Category Archives: Uncategorized

Paper 1 Revision

In my revision of paper 1 I placed a lot of attention on embedding my quotes from the article correctly, so that they would flow easily into the sentences. In order to do this I used connective phrases like “…by … Continue reading

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Revisions of Paper 1

When revising my first paper, I first did a read through it and edited any big things that stood out to me. After I did that I spent time reading each paragraph one by one, and paid close attention to … Continue reading

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The first time that I looked at my first paper since I wrote it was this weekend. Obviously, the form I turned in was the best work that I could do at the time that I wrote it, but having … Continue reading

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I think I know what I’m doing!

When I started to revise my paper, I looked over the comments I received as a benchmark for what I should change. Coincidentally, what needed the most work was my incorporation of evidence. I took the ideas we discussed last … Continue reading

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Secondary Source

I chose an article that I found online after searching keywords such as “Margaret Keane” and “Walter Keane.” I decided that a good place to start with my research paper would be to collect as much background information as possible, … Continue reading

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Paper 1 Revisions

After revising my first paper, I realized editing was a long process and it was much more difficult than I expected. As I moved through my essay, I kept seeing flaws about its organization and syntax. In order to fix … Continue reading

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Paper 1 Revisions

I began revising my paper by improving my thesis and including introductory information more relevant to my topic. My initial thesis did not summarize the main theme of my paper and only included the terms “ethos, pathos, and logos,” which … Continue reading

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Inception: Secondary Source + Research Questions

Blog post (by Thursday at 8am) Find an illuminating secondary source for your research question. Explain where you found it, what search terms got you there, and why you’ve chosen this one as opposed to others. Summarize your source and explain … Continue reading

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Secondary Source

After typing “psychology in horror movies” into google scholar, I eventually found this paper entitled “The Lure of Horror”. This source is a psychological essay published by the British Psychological Society on the attraction of horror movies. I decided to use … Continue reading

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Secondary Source

Upon an initial analysis of Johnathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal, I found myself wondering who he intended as his audience. Luckily, I found a scholarly source which provides that analysis for me. The essay “Have you Eaten Yet? the Reader … Continue reading

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