Month: November 2013

  • Dina Warnock, Educational Analyst, Academic Technology Services

    Dina Warnock, Educational Analyst, Academic Technology Services

    Dina will be doing Video Production Support on the Faculty Services Team, in support of Coursera. Prior to coming to Emory, she worked for 4 years as the assistant manager of dolphin show production at the Georgia Aquarium, where she handled all aspects of the technical production. Before that she was at a corporate video…

  • The Gillettes Have a New Baby!

    The Gillettes Have a New Baby!

    Athan Gillette (Academic Technology Services) and his wife Simone Smith-Gillette recently gave birth to Justin Newell Gillette on September 29. Weighing 7 pounds, 8 ounces and measuring 20 inches, Justin was born at Crawford Long Hospital.

  • Huge Crowd for Chili and Dessert Cook-off

    Huge Crowd for Chili and Dessert Cook-off

    On a gorgeous and unseasonably warm Fall afternoon, this year’s Annual Chili and Dessert Cook-off was a tremendous success, with the largest crowd to ever attend the event. Nearly 200 LITS employees attended the festivities, held in the parking lot of 1762, including members of the University Library staff. The food included 19 chilies and…

  • Danny Bridges’ Chili Recipe

    Danny Bridges’ Chili Recipe

    The following article was submitted by Danny Bridges (Enterprise Applications): When they requested I reveal the secret behind my award-winning recipe, I asked “do you think they will buy ‘Open ten cans of Cambell’s roadhouse chili and dump into a slow cooker?’” In all seriousness, I will share the recipe, but with a few things…

  • Enid Britton’s Banana Pudding Pie Recipe

    Enid Britton’s Banana Pudding Pie Recipe

    I used to own a restaurant called the Sycamore Grill and this was one of the recipes that I purchased from the previous owners. One of my personal favorites from their menu, it was always the bottom-selling dessert before I discovered that if you did it in smaller, single servings it looks more appetizing and…

  • Change This Weekend (and not just your clocks)

    Change This Weekend (and not just your clocks)

    On Saturday night, do not forget to change your clocks back by an hour and, more importantly, do not forget about the core router change this weekend that will essentially bring down the entire network for at least 5 minutes. A significant milestone in the N7K Core Router Redesign, this change (Change # CHG118908) addresses…

  • Molly Kent, Business Analyst I, Enterprise Applications

    Molly Kent, Business Analyst I, Enterprise Applications

    Molly is the latest member of the Business Systems Team. Her role will be to work on MySoft. Prior to coming to Emory, Molly worked as a youth director at Central Presbyterian in downtown Atlanta for 6 years. Before that she spent 10 years at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta where she held a…