Photo of a woman squating in a box

Call Center rises to the occasion

Photo of a woman squatting in a box
Mary Secrest gets voted to sleep in the box!

As always, the Call Center is there to rise to the occasion. Since we are considered essential staff we had to show up and do what we do best! Take calls. The best thing was the spirit in which our staff handled the adverse situations. We were high on chocolates and laughter.

Most of the callers where excited that we were safely at work and available to help them during their time of need. The wait was long, but the callers did not complain nor did the staff. I think the key to our success during what could have been a very challenging time for us was our focus on one call at a time, take needed timely breaks and take deep breathes of fresh air to appreciate being warm and cozy on the inside. Oh, we also stood at the windows as the same cars sat in the same position for hours.

To help ease the minds of those specialists who were unable to venture out to their personal residents, Call Center leadership secured blankets, pillows, socks, scrubs and personal hygiene items. On the second day, we had the luxury of getting military style cots. Mary Secrest and I decided a big camp-out was the best way to go. At some point during the night, Mary got voted out and ended up in a box!

Thanks to all the call center staff for making what could have been a bad situation very pleasant. We have an awesome group of truly dedicated workers who understand why we do what we do and stop at nothing to accomplish our goals!

BRAVO to all!


One response to “Call Center rises to the occasion”

  1. Really call center staff is very helpful nature. They was always dedicated for their work. Your idea is really awesome
    “To help ease the minds of those specialists who were unable to venture out to their personal residents, Call Center leadership secured blankets, pillows, socks, scrubs and personal hygiene items. On the second day, we had the luxury of getting military style cots. Mary Secrest and I decided a big camp-out was the best way to go. At some point during the night, Mary got voted out and ended up in a box!”.

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