Month: March 2020
Links to stay informed during the COVID-19 outbreak
In an effort to help everyone stay informed on the latest updates regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, here are a few key links to monitor: Emory’s COVID-19 communication page: The latest schedules, updates from leaders, and frequently asked questions. Emory Libraries COVID-19 updates page: The latest schedules and updates for Emory Libraries. Emory HR’s COVID-19 page: …
Using Zoom more than ever? Here are 6 tips and tricks from the pros
As Emory closes out its first week of increased telecommuting as a result of COVID-19 preparedness, Zoom usage has spiked dramatically. According to José Holguin-Cruz (LITS Zoom administrator), the number of active users has increased by 34% in March and the amount of monthly Zoom minutes at Emory has increased by 80% over the same…
Staying active at home during Move More
Now is the time to focus on your personal self-care and well-being during this time of uncertainty related to COVID-19. These resources are available to support your health and happiness: Resources Handout: Move More Challenge is still scheduled to begin Monday, March 23. This is a great opportunity to find ways to remain active,…
Jacqui Brown, Library Specialist, Goizueta Business Library
Jacqui Brown is the new library specialist in the GBL. Since relocating to Atlanta in 2018, Jacqui has had her own business as a strategic development consultant and film producer. Most of her career has been in the non-profit, civic sector, working for four years as a consultant, management consultant, operations coordinator, development manager, and…
Dhy Edwardsberry, Business Librarian, Goizueta Business Library
Dhy Edwardsberry (pronounced like DYE) is the new business librarian in the GBL. Before coming to Emory, Dhy spent three years as an access services coordinator at the Harvard Business School Library. While at Harvard, she also taught advanced music production at the Institute of Contemporary Art. After growing up in Cincinnati, OH, Dhy spent…
LITS recent headlines and upcoming events
Recent LITS headlines: Emory Libraries news: A message from the Dean of Libraries Emory Libraries news: Access and Borrowing Updates for Robert W. Woodruff Library ECDS News: ECDS helps Post45 Journal move to Emory University Upcoming LITS events: (go HERE for more information for each event) March 23 – Move More Challenge begins April 14…
LITS Significant Contribution Awards due by the end of March
Nominations are currently being sought for 2019/20 LITS Significant Contribution Awards (SCAs). This is our annual opportunity to recognize our most significant contributions toward LITS objectives and Emory’s mission. Therefore, please consider nominating a team member that you believe has made such a contribution. As a reminder, please note the following regarding the SCA program: Timing:…