Category: Projects and Processes
Diversity Through Storytelling
We hear the word “diversity” nearly every day, but what are we really talking about? Race, gender, age, nationality, or maybe all of these? Or is the real question: how can we all work effectively within a diverse environment? Diversity is around us, on every side and in every conceivable combination. We must respect that…
How Social Media Can Make History
In the latest in my series of Wade’s Favorite Ted Talks, Clay Shirky, a writer, professor, and consultant, delivered the following embedded presentation to the US State Department regarding the transformed media landscape. According to Shirky, whose consulting firm develops decentralized technologies such as wireless networks and peer-to-peer, what matters in today’s communication “is not…
Staff Motivation: The Journey Towards Employee Fulfillment
Sometimes when managers think of how to best motivate our staff, we solely focus on money or pure (tangible) opportunity and not the fruits of development. Herein lies the manager dilemma, get what you want or what you need? Are these statements not the same you ask? Well, in a word, no. The needs of…
Using Video to Reinvent Education
In the latest in my series of Wade’s Favorite Ted Talks, Khan Academy founder Salman Kahn talks about the power of interactive exercises for next level learning. “My cousins preferred seeing me on YouTube instead of seeing me in person!” says Kahn. After he got over the initial pain of the insult, he realized something…
Updates from the Networking Team
The network conversion of St. Joseph’s Hospital (SJH) employees is fast approaching with OIT and Emory Healthcare’s “big-bang” planned to begin April 26th. The network gear is installed and waiting, the wireless infrastructure is in the process of being converted, and the quiet before the storm is upon us. It will be a busy time…
Emotional Intelligence
“If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.” – Daniel Goleman Growing up the early 70’s, my…
Coursera at Emory Reaches Thousands of Students
It’s hard to believe, given the intensity of Coursera and 2U-related activity over the past six months, that the term “MOOC” — massive open online course — has only been in the popular vernacular for less than a year. Questions abound about the process, the viability and the future of these free courses taught simultaneously…