Category: Projects and Processes
LITS Networking Team seeks to dramatically improve hospital wireless usability
There is an upcoming effort to consolidate wireless services in the Emory University Healthcare. The plan is to move specific devices off of shared network services, then combine the remaining services into one network. This effort is made possible, in part, by leveraging the recent investment in EmoryGuest. The devices that are being moved to…
Important changes coming to Emory Express
There are several important Emory Express changes coming in November 2019 that will impact the look & feel of the system as well as some process changes that are directly based on user feedback. The new processes and enhancements were designed to streamline, support and simplify buying processes at Emory. The following changes go live…
Upcoming grant deadlines
As a friendly reminder from the Libraries Grants Support Committee, we are here to help you! If you have an idea for a grant, or even a project you are currently working on that could benefit from some funding, please feel free to contact any one of the Committee to develop your ideas! Some upcoming…
Woodruff Library Level 1 Breakroom Redux or ‘Please pardon our progress!’
Woodruff Library’s level 1 employee break room is getting a major facelift this fall. This change is happening due to the efforts of the Library Employee Advocacy Forum (LEAF) and Emory Libraries leadership, along with the LITS Business and Finance team. Employees can expect changes to take place in stages that started last week with…
Wolff’s collaboration with AWS at Emory leads to potential new approach to schizophrenia research
Phil Wolff, a professor in Emory’s psychology department, recently co-wrote an article for Nature Partner Journal (NPJ) describing research that was made possible, in part, due to a collaboration with the LITS AWS at Emory team. Phil’s research involves a machine learning approach to predicting psychosis using semantic density and latent content analysis. The article…
New cell phone booth in the Woodruff Library
We have a new cell phone booth (also called a soundproof office pod or Zenbooth) installed in the Woodruff level 2 staff area close to room 208E. This is a pilot experience, to assess the value of these semi-private phone booths in open work areas. Hopefully, an exciting addition to our space! Inside the booth…
Operations & Access Services: Our story
You may have heard the name “Operations & Access Services” but do you know who we are? Do you know what we do? July 15 was the one-year anniversary since this department re-organized under Access Services and changed its name from Security to Operations & Access Services. Our mission is to provide the Emory community…