Tag Archives: University Libraries

Nnamdi goes to Turkey

Photo of Nnamdi May

When you see Officer Nnamdi May (University Libraries) on patrol you feel a quiet strength, a genuine spirit. While Nnamdi is very comical when he warms and opens up to you, he is quite often described as reserved. If you have not noticed lately, Nnamdi has stopped raiding office candy dishes and instead been eating […]

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ClassTech Loaner Pool Merges With the Music and Media Library

Photo of Music & Media Library

In collaboration between the Woodruff Library and Academic Technology Services, the ClassTech’s loaner pool of AV equipment has been transitioned to the Marian K. Heilburn Music and Media Library Collection, making the equipment now available to a wider Emory population. For years, ClassTech has operated a loaner pool that students, faculty, and staff could use […]

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Dogs in the Library? Woof!

Photo of a dog rading a book in a library

CNN reporter Jen Christensen recently did a lengthy piece on how the Woodruff Library used therapy dogs to help Emory students cope with the stress of finals. A growing trend around college campuses, these dogs were brought into the Jones Room to be petted and played with by frazzled students needing a study break. “Woodruff […]

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Richard McNeal, Library Service Desk Coordinator, University Libraries

Photo of new employee

Richard will coordinate the day-to-day operations of the Library Service Desk, which includes circulation, reference, and the Learning Commons. He will also hire, train, and manage 25 student employees that run the desk. Richard is already familiar with this role as he was the evening and weekend supervisor beginning in 2011. Before coming to Emory, Richard […]

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Gretchen Warner, Exhibitions Graphics Designer, University Libraries

Photo of new employee Gretchen Warner

Gretchen will be working on special exhibits in the library, beginning with the Seamus Heaney exhibit currently being developed. Before coming to Emory she spent three years designing gardens and marketing materials for two small design-build firms in Ann Arbor, MI. Before that Gretchen worked for the Holocaust Memorial Center on the curatorial team for the “Secret […]

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LITS Holiday Party Gets Rave Reviews

Photo of two staff members enjoying a party

[Ed. Note: Don’t miss the video montage from the event at the end of this article!] The first-ever LITS Holiday Party, held on December 16 in the Goizueta Business School, was a roaring success! With almost 300 LITS employees in attendance, party-goers ate, drank and were indeed merry as they danced, sang, and pretend-gambled the […]

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Important LITS Updates

LifeCare logo

Emory Implements Professional Care Management The Professional Care Management Program is designed to help support the needs of any benefits eligible Emory University employee who is caring for an aging, sick or special needs adult, whether nearby or at a distance. The employer‐sponsored benefit will be provided by work‐life services provider, LifeCare. This new benefit […]

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