Posts By: sbogue

Summer Reading, vol. 4: Anne Marie McLean

This week we sat down with Anne Marie McLean, the InterLibrary Loan and Document Delivery Specialist at Pitts. If you ever need a book or article that Pitts doesn’t own, Anne Marie is the hero who finds the item and ensures that it makes its way to you! You’ve also probably seen her smiling face at the…

Summer Reading, vol. 3: Ed Phillips

We hope you had a splendid Memorial Day last week, perhaps snuggled up with some of our book suggestions! This week, we spoke with Dr. Ed Phillips, Associate Professor of Worship and Liturgical Theology at Candler, who also serves as the Coordinator of the Initiative in Religious Practices and Practical Theology. First up, Dr. Phillips suggests Daniel…

Summer Reading, vol. 2: Jenny Vitti

Welcome back to our summer reading series! This week, we spoke to one of our staff members here at Pitts: Reserves and Stacks Specialist Jenny Vitti! If you’re a member of the Candler community, you will know that Jenny is responsible for making sure all your course readings are available, both online and at the…

Summer Reading, vol. 1: Brent Strawn

Congratulations to the Emory and Candler communities on a stellar year— and particular congratulations to students in the Class of 2017! Whether you are headed to a new job, new school, or a well-deserved vacation, Pitts has polled faculty and staff to find the perfect books to keep you company. For our first entry, we spoke to Dr. Brent…

Finals on the Horizon!

From Monday 4/24 through Tuesday 5/2, Pitts Theology Library will extend its hours. Opening hours will stay the same, but the Library will stay open additional hours at night. For full hours, please visit Please Note that the building locks soon after the library closes, so all students will need to leave the Candler School…

Easter Image Resources

As Holy Week approaches, the to-do lists get longer and the time gets shorter! Even though it isn’t, strictly speaking, the “good news” of this liturgical season, Pitts does have some good news! You can cross at least one item off your list by finding bulletin and program images in the Pitts Digital Image Archive. In addition to the regular character search features,…

Tell Us What You Think (and enter for early Book Sale access)!

The Pitts Theology Library is committed to improving the service we offer our community.  To this end, each year we ask users of the library to let us know how we’re doing, as a way of better understanding your experience of our staff, spaces, and materials. Please take a moment to tell us how we are doing…

Weekly Workshops Begin for Spring!

As you get into the swing of the new semester, consider making a Pitts Weekly Workshop part of your schedule, beginning this week! These workshops happen on Wednesdays (12-1, with lunch) and Tuesdays (2:30-3:30, with coffee). This semester, we will be discussing a wide variety of topics, ranging from citation management software Zotero (don’t begin another paper…

Pitts is Open!

Pitts Theology Library is back to our normally scheduled hours. For more information, please visit

Pitts Closed Saturday (1/7)

Friends, Pitts will be closed again tomorrow, Saturday, January 7th, following Emory’s closure. Stay warm and enjoy another etching from Jan Luiken! This image has an accompanying poem by the artist, which has been translated by Josephine V. Brown,  one of our dedicated Pitts volunteers!