Author: Ashley Myers

  • NIH Updates (February 2023)

    Below is a summary of upcoming changes at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). These changes apply to new forms and requirements for data management and data sharing.  Proposal Preparation  Applications for NIH opportunities with receipt deadlines on or after January 25, 2023, must use FORMS-H grant application forms and instructions.  For more details, please…

  • RGC Exemption Request Form and Process Changes

    Exemption Request Form  As a reminder, all awards must be reconciled to the general ledger, and billing and financial reporting must be based on posted GL activity. Projections cannot be included in financial reports (FSRs) or invoices. We understand that there may be an initial need for a small number of exceptions. We have created an…

  • OCR Guidance for Creating Short Study Title

    Due to database restrictions and the need for consistency among databases and departments, the Emory Office for Clinical Research (OCR) has developed guidance in creating the Short Study Title.  The Databases used to determine this guidance: OnCore, EPIC, Vestigo,, Salesforce Study log, and eIRB submission.  The Short Study Title should be based upon the…

  • Institutional Biosafety Committee

    The Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHSO) partners with the Emory Community to provide environmental, health, and safety (EHS) practices that enhance and support our world-renowned, cutting edge research. This is accomplished by managing EHS risks to reduce the potential for workplace injury or illness.  A primary focus of EHSO is managing the safe use…

  • RA Enterprise Systems and Processes

    In August of 2021 a project team was created by Dr. Robert Nobles to evaluate the Research Administration Services (RAS) information technology and process. The primary charge of the project team was to evaluate duplicate points of entry and gain efficiencies through system integration and process improvements. Once the evaluation was completed, the goal was…

  • PI Financial Portal

    The PI Financial Portal is a dashboard in Emory Business Intelligence (EBI) created to allow faculty to access their complete portfolio on-demand, sponsored and non-sponsored. It is intended to serve as an “online bank account” style view of a faculty member’s portfolio, providing current balances based on expenses that have already occurred. The portal was developed…

  • RAS Support for PIs – Find Your RAS Contact

    Research Administration Services (RAS) provides expertise in the compliance and administrative requirements of the grant lifecycle. RAS support allows researchers to concentrate on the science or study and still be excellent stewards of sponsored funds and outcomes. The services offered by RAS include pre- and post-award support. Every Principal Investigator has a Pre-Award and Post-Award…

  • Federal Agency Updates – NIH and NSF

    Agency updates are provided to keep you apprised of what’s happening with some of our major federal sponsors. Many of these updates impact investigators directly. National Institutes of Health (NIH) NIH is rolling out new forms and data management and sharing policies effective January 25, 2023. Look for specific I/Cs to issue guidance on data…

  • NIH Closeout Procedures (From the PI Perspective)

    Now that you are nearing the end of your NIH project do you know how to properly close out the award? When you accept an NIH grant you are agreeing to the terms and conditions included in your Notice of Award.  The terms include the NIH policy requiring submission of three types of final reports…

  • IACUC Updates – December 2022

    EU DAR Communication #1 regarding how to prepare for the 2023 AAALACI Site Visit for Emory’s re-accreditation. It is not to early to start preparing your lab! NEW TOOL FOR RESEARCHERS – Template for using flowmeters during CO2 Euthanasia – This is a tool to generate the SOP for using Flowmeters for Mouse and Rat CO2 Euthanasia…