Category Archives: ORA

FY15 A-133 Audit in the books!

We recently completed our FY15 A-133 Audit covering the major programs of Research & Development (R&D) and Student Financial Aid. We received an unmodified opinion with no findings, material weaknesses, or significant deficiencies in internal controls; this is terrific news, and I want to thank everyone who played a part in helping us complete this […]

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EHSO’s Lab Rat Newsletter is now a Part of Emory Research Administration News Central!

Things are changing with EHSO’s (Environmental Health and Safety Office) Lab Rat newsletter! In October, we rolled out changes to the appearance and formatting of the newsletter, and starting in December, the Lab Rat will have a new digital home. In the past, EHSO has had its own blog space to host the Lab Rat. […]

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Imminent Changes to Federal Regulations

The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for revisions to the Common Rule has been released! The proposed changes to the regulations will have significant impact on the conduct and oversight of human subjects research, if passed. For example, completely deidentified biospecimens may become covered by the Common Rule, and their use in research will require […]

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New ERMS Feature

Effective 12/01/2015, a new feature was implemented in ERMS to allow study teams to track non-subject activities such as IRB fees, pharmacy fees, equipment, materials, record retention, dry ice, etc.  The new tracking feature in ERMS will appear under the Study tab as Non-Subject Activity.  For instructions, review the ERMS User Guide. Written By: Bridget […]

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Interested in volunteering for a clinical trial?

Emory Healthcare Initiatives implemented a new website that includes the clinical trials being conducting at Emory for potential volunteers.  To learn more about clinical trials at Emory or if you are interested in volunteering for a clinical trial, review the Clinical Trials at Emory website at Written By: Bridget Strong Office for Clinical Research

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Emory IRB Membership Drive!

Do you wish the IRB could review clinical studies more quickly? Are you frustrated when your study cannot be placed on an earlier meeting? Then please consider volunteering to join the IRB! We can only get studies reviewed if we have members with adequate expertise in attendance at our meetings. Some studies need to be […]

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Upcoming Emory IRB Webinars!

The IRB presents a new webinar on the second Thursday of every month during the academic calendar year.  The presentations start at 12 pm and typically last about 30 minutes. Following the live presentation, the recording of the webinar and Q&A session will be archived for easy access. Every webinar has its own survey to […]

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IRB Holiday Meeting Schedule

The IRB will have compressed meeting schedules in both November and December to accommodate the holidays. Study teams are encouraged to get potential full board submissions to the IRB promptly to avoid any delays. The final meeting in November will be on 11/18, and the final meeting in December will be on 12/16. From the […]

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What are the Responsibilities of a PI on a Sponsored Award?

Written By: Kerry Peluso, AVP Office of Research Administration The Principal Investigator (PI) of an award is responsible for oversight and direction of the sponsored project including both the technical and the administrative/financial aspects of the award. Section 2.1.2 of the current NIH Grants Policy Statement describes this in further detail: Program Director/Principal Investigator. A […]

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New Changes to Vertebrate Animals Section (VAS) Of NIH Grant Application and Contract Proposal Requirements

From the Office of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced a change to Vertebrate Animals Section (VAS) of grant applications, cooperative agreements, and contract proposals on October 13, 2015. These changes remove some redundancy and simplify the review process. The changes consist of: No longer requiring a […]

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