Tag: Cost Studies

  • NIH Implementation of Changes to Uniform Guidance – Impact to Emory University

    Authors: Holly Sommers (OSP), Edwin Bemmel (RGC), & James Goff (Cost Studies) In January 2025, NIH released its notice (NOT-OD-25-059) describing plans for implementation of the Uniform Administrative Requirements for Federal Financial Assistance (2 CFR 200), generally referred to as the Uniform Guidance or UG. A summary of NIH’s specific implementation plans and their impact…

  • Effort Certification

    The most recent set of effort certification forms has been created for the September through February period. Emory policy requires for these forms to be certified by no later than the end of May. These forms have been assigned to your respective RAS representatives for review and you will receive an automated email from the…

  • FY18 Federal Fringe Rates Effective 9/1/17

      Each year Emory negotiates new fringe rates with the federal government. We recently received approval of our FY18 federal fringe rates. The table below represents the university’s finalized fringe benefit rates for fiscal year 2018. Please use these rates for any new proposals. For proposals already routed, please be aware that the new fringe…

  • Effort Reporting Update

    Written by: Josh Rosenberg The current “active” period for effort certification is the Mar. 1 – Aug. 31, 2016 period.  The due date for completing these forms was Nov. 30, 2016.  We still have several hundred effort forms pending pre-review and pending certification which must be completed as soon as possible.  If there is an…

  • F & A Reminder

    The Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rate is a percentage measure of the overhead (indirect) costs incurred to support sponsored activity (including organized research, other sponsored activities, and sponsored instruction) conducted by the University.  The application of the rate is the mechanism used to reimburse the University for overhead costs incurred in supporting these activities.   At…