Policy Changes

Policy Changes

The humanitarian crisis occurring, in regards to the migrants and refugees across the world, is continuing to increase. The deaths toll increases each year to…

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Social and Structural Limitations in the Workforce

Social and Structural Limitations in the Workforce

                 According to the 2015 census there are 55.4 million people identifying as Hispanic. This number excludes all…

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Reinforcing Social Constructs

Reinforcing Social Constructs

Francesco Vacchiano’s article reflects the dynamic between those who have power over their mobility and those who do not; the tension between those who seek…

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Perception is Almost as Important as Truth

Perception is Almost as Important as Truth

In Francesco Vacchiano’s piece, On Frequent Flyers and Boat People, Vacchiano addresses the narrative that there are too many bodies crossing borders, and how this…

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Behind the Scenes of Migrant Work

Behind the Scenes of Migrant Work

This idea of having a certain image in the work field sounded more than familiar to me, not just because i have observed it while…

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The Context of an Identity

The Context of an Identity

When thinking of an individual’s personal identity one does not often think of someone having multiple identities. However, one individual person may be looked at…

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Lost in Time

Lost in Time

While Cabot and Genova (2002) emphasize different aspects of the focus on migrant issues, they both highlight the issue of time. Currently, the European “refugee…

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Impeding Progress

Impeding Progress

Heath Cabot spoke diligently about what makes a region “hot” and speaks to the sly irony of the EU’s Dublin System – how it appears…

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Asylum in Greece

Asylum in Greece

I found extremely interesting how the “refugee crisis” falls more heavily on certain nations rather than others. In the case of Greece specifically, a country…

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Discrimination Defined

Discrimination Defined

Nicholas P. De Genova’s article “Migrant “Illegality” and Deportability in Everyday Life” sheds light on the construction of the term “illegality” and its influence in…

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