Upon watching the video Europe Or Die – Trapped In Bulgaria, there was a particular scene that really stuck with me. This scene happened around 3:48…

Francesco Vacchiano’s article “On Frequent Flyers and Boat People: Notes on Europe, Crisis, and Human Mobility” raised many interesting points and critiques on the European…

The article “On Frequent Flyers and Boat People: Notes on Europe, Crisis, and Human Mobility” draws attention to the growing divide between displaced peoples and…

While Cabot and Genova (2002) emphasize different aspects of the focus on migrant issues, they both highlight the issue of time. Currently, the European “refugee…

Heath Cabot spoke diligently about what makes a region “hot” and speaks to the sly irony of the EU’s Dublin System – how it appears…

I found extremely interesting how the “refugee crisis” falls more heavily on certain nations rather than others. In the case of Greece specifically, a country…

Nicholas P. De Genova brings up many interesting points in his review Migrant “Illegality” and Deportability in Everyday Life that described his views on what…

As I read through Dr. Alexander’s article on Sapiens, I could not help but wonder how frustrated these migrants must me, how frustrated Isabella must…

A friend and I were discussing the recent natural disasters, and those to come, in the U.S. right now, and she brought up a wonderful…

From the start of the focus on displaced people post-World War II, the economic potential of migration has consistently been a focus of Eurowestern powerhouses….
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