Emory Overleaf Pro+ Subscription Now Available!

We are happy to announce the launch of an institutional subscription to Overleaf Pro+, a collaborative online writing tool using LaTex, which is very popular in a number of science and social disciplines due to its ability to handle technical writing. Due to significant demand from existing users of the free and individual paid versions Read More …

Guidestar: New Database for Non-Profit Research

The library has recently acquired a new database that is an excellent resource for conducting background research on non-profits for assignments, internships, practicums, and job searching. Guidestar provides information on millions of non-profits and has easy to use search functions. Library patrons can search for non-profits by state, zip code, number of employees, affiliation type, Read More …

Studies in Sexualities Relaunch

The Library is pleased to be involved in the relaunch of Studies in Sexualities. Studies in Sexualities is a university wide, interdisciplinary program that helps bring together students and faculty from different parts of the university to meet and share their interests and research on sexuality. It has no one methodological or conceptual orientation. Instead, Read More …

“‘Do I dare disturb the universe?’ The Environment and the Humanities”

The third exhibit in an ongoing series to highlight Emory Subject Librarians and Emory Libraries’ range of collections, “Do I dare disturb the universe?” The Environment and the Humanities, opened on Friday, January 18, 2019, in Woodruff Library’s entry level atrium. Inspired by global industrialization, emerging international environmental movements, resource crises, and climate change, mid- Read More …

Library Funds Data Deposits

Do you have data to share from a published article? Does the journal’s recommended data repository charge a deposit fee? The Emory libraries can help cover the cost to deposit your data through our Research Data Distribution Fund. Any Emory University faculty, post-doc, research staff, or currently enrolled graduate and undergraduate student may apply. Applicants Read More …

Research Data Management Workshop Series – Spring 2019

Are you collecting data for your research? Do you have questions about where to save your data, and how to wrangle all of your digital files? Are you curious about sharing data with other scholars? The Scholarly Communications Office is offering a 3-part series of Research Data Management workshops this Spring. Join us for sessions Read More …

“Globalization: Research It Here” Library Exhibit

Scholars in the sciences and social sciences grapple with international issues that concern all of us: immigration, trade, diversity, inequality, and climate change, among others. These common interests inspired the Sciences and Social Sciences Librarians at Emory’s Main Woodruff Library to curate a new exhibit on the topic of globalization that launched in late July of Read More …

Holiday Reads: OverDrive and 2018 books

If you are traveling or just relaxing at home, you might be looking for new reads during the holiday break. Below are some great options and recommendations from Emory Libraries to keep your reading list full throughout the holidays. From Emory’s OverDrive collection, you can borrow popular fiction and nonfiction ebooks and audiobooks to read Read More …

World Newspapers at Your Fingertips!

Press Display includes a massive selection of world newspapers and magazines (over 6,300) in over 50 languages (and more countries)!  PressDisplay recreates the experience of flipping through your favorite newspaper or magazine! Key US titles include the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and the Washington Post. A translation tool is incorporated into Read More …

Nuremberg Chronicle

The Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library’s treasured Nuremberg Chronicle (first edition, 1493) received conservation treatment prior to traveling to Pitts Theology Library for the exhibition, The Materiality of Devotion: From Manuscript to Print (opening December 17). This lavishly-illustrated book, which purports to be a history of the world from creation to Read More …