Eric Deutsch

Most commented posts

  1. CHF and Atrial Fibrillation — 3 comments
  2. Thyroid Storm — 2 comments
  3. Master the BVM — 1 comments

Author's posts

Thyroid Storm

Presentation:  50 yo F patient presents with altered mental status.  Her husband reports a history of anxiety, agitation, shortness of breath, vomiting and diarrhea. She has severe tachycardia and hyperthermia. She is delirious and has proptosis and an enlarged thyroid on exam. What’s the diagnosis? Thyroid storm is a rare endocrinologic emergency that carries a …

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Master the BVM

Why is it important to be proficient with the BVM?  Because inevitably we will all have patients that are difficult to intubate, but if we can ventilate these patients with the BVM we can buy ourselves time to use our alternative techniques. If you can’t ventilate effectively with the BVM you find yourself in a …

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CHF and Atrial Fibrillation

A lesson I learned caring for a recent patient:  CHF exacerbation in Afib with RVR Clinical Question:  What is the best way to rate control in decompensated heart failure? Our first instinct when we see patients with A-fib with RVR is to reach for diltiazem or our beta blocker of choice, however, these are not …

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