Seated in a corner of his small studio, Dana Haugaard goes to work, his blade cautiously scoring concentric circles into…
Author: Lee Clontz

Women of Wikipedia Editathon on Feb. 25!
Edit Wikipedia for the greater good! For the 5th year in a row, Emory University Libraries and Teaching and Learning…

Canvas Direct Share
Canvas has released a useful new feature called Direct Share. Direct Share will allow instructors to share individual course items to…

Canvas Release Highlights for February 15, 2020
When the New Quizzes feature option is activated, teachers choose between new and classic quiz each time they create a quiz. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday of each month.

Canvas Studio creates a Pathway for QTM Students and Quantitative Professionals
The department of Quantitative Theory and Methods (QTM) used the Academic Production Studio to record interviews in collaboration with Teaching & Learning Technologies in Fall 2019. These videos were then added to Canvas using the Canvas Studio tool for QTM students to view for professional development.

What’s In a Name… Pronunciation?
Part of feeling included and welcomed in a community starts with people knowing your name. One of the challenges that…

Canvas Release Highlights for January 18, 2020
New Gradebook and New Analytics are active for all courses, and New Quizzes includes new options. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday of each month.

Canvas Release Highlights for December 21, 2019
Students’ numeric answers in New Quizzes are checked for non-numeric characters. January’s release will activate New Gradebook in all courses. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday of each month.

Canvas Studio Video Quizzing is Here!
Canvas Studio, Instructure’s video learning platform, introduces video quizzing! The quiz feature allows instructors, Teaching Assistants (TA’s), and Designers to create engaging and impactful learning experiences by adding quiz questions directly on the video’s timeline.

Canvas Release Highlights for November 16, 2019
Students and teachers can unfavorite courses from the dashboard card view, and teachers can submit students’ in-process attempts in New Quizzes. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday of each month.

Canvas Release Highlights for October 19, 2019
Course menu links styles updated for clarity and accessibility. New Gradebook labels updated. New content editor feature option available. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday of each month.

Canvas Release Highlights for September 21, 2019
Teachers can add feedback for each multiple choice option in New Quizzes. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday of each month.