Teachers can publish a course from the course settings area. Teachers can adjust New Analytics report criteria for “online attendance.”
Canvas Release Highlights for November 2021
Students see unread indicator dots for new assignment & rubric feedback. Teachers see text submission word counts in SpeedGrader. Canvas releases occur the third Saturday of each month.
Universal Design for Learning Principles, Part I: Engagement
Continuing our series on Universal Design for Learning, this article takes a closer look at the first principle of Engagement and provides some simple strategies for incorporating it into Canvas and the classroom without drastically altering how you do things or sacrificing the level of challenge you want to set for your students.
Midterm Time? Arghhh! We’re here to help!
The Canvas team can field your questions on quizzes, grades, student expectations, and more
Canvas Release Highlights for October 2021
Course navigation menus remain visible on long pages, may have own scroll bars. RCE shows accessibility notifications. Teachers can search gradebook by assignment. Releases arrive on the third Saturday each month.
Canvas Release Highlights for September 2021
No major changes are indicated in the September Canvas production release. Releases occur on the third Saturday of each month.
Accommodation Needs of Students with Disabilities: A Brief Overview
Students with different types of disabilities have needs that can be met using accessibility best practice and Universal Design for Learning strategies. This article introduces some common needs of students with visual, hearing, cognitive, and motor disabilities and basic solutions to accommodate them.
Canvas Release Highlights for August 2021
Teachers see a new tab in New Analytics displaying online “attendance” (daily activity for each student). Teachers can preview RCE accessibility notifications. Teachers can print from New Quizzes.
Canvas Release Highlights for July 2021
SMS text message notifications cease. Instructure begins scheduled maintenance windows on 1st & 3rd Thursdays in early morning hours. Small improvements come to New Quizzes, Gradebook, & HTML editor.
Canvas Release Highlights for June 2021
Teachers can save comments to reuse in SpeedGrader submission comments. New Quizzes offers improved item bank management. Feature releases come to Canvas the third Saturday of each month.
Strategies for Engaging Students with Different Learning Needs
Students learn and grow their abilities at different rates, even at the college level. We introduce the first principle of Universal Design for Learning – Engagement – and recommend strategies to motivate and encourage learners of all backgrounds and aptitudes.
Canvas Release Highlights for May 2021
Teachers can allow student annotation submissions: they choose a file that students annotate like a worksheet. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday of each month.