Teachers can see new analytics details in Canvas Studio, change times in Assignment Bulk Editor, apply scores to ungraded submissions for multiple assignments, make icons, and add emojis in SpeedGrader comments.
Increased Canvas Use in 2020 and 2021
Canvas use increased sharply in 2020 and remained quite high in 2021. This is evident in total views, Canvas Studio launches, online assignment submissions, and online discussion posts.
Dropping Lowest Scores in Canvas
This post highlights the score dropping feature of Canvas assignment groups, discusses its approach, and shares obscure details about how it works.
Universal Design for Learning Principles, Part I: Engagement
Continuing our series on Universal Design for Learning, this article takes a closer look at the first principle of Engagement and provides some simple strategies for incorporating it into Canvas and the classroom without drastically altering how you do things or sacrificing the level of challenge you want to set for your students.
Accommodation Needs of Students with Disabilities: A Brief Overview
Students with different types of disabilities have needs that can be met using accessibility best practice and Universal Design for Learning strategies. This article introduces some common needs of students with visual, hearing, cognitive, and motor disabilities and basic solutions to accommodate them.
Universal Design for Learning: Making Education More Equitable
When it comes to accessibility in course design, where does one start? The principles of Universal Design for Learning give a foundation in the important considerations for adapting your course to meet student needs.
New! Introduction to Accessibility Lunch & Learn Workshop
Emory Teaching & Learning Technologies is proud to present a new Lunch & Learn workshop that addresses common accessibility concerns…
Let’s Talk About Your Course Navigation Menu
You’re given two minutes. With your time, do you improve the student learning experience, increase your course’s attractiveness, or make…
Emory Canvas is on Twitter!
The Emory Canvas support team is on Twitter! Follow @EmoryCanvas to get the latest news and updates.
New Tools in Canvas to Enhance Remote Learning
Several new tools for Canvas are now available to organize, improve accessibility, and facilitate testing in your courses.
Low-Tech Remote Teaching Solutions
Be prepared for any situation. These low-tech options and creative uses of familiar tools for remote teaching will engage students and create an online teaching, social, and cognitive presence.
Canvas Studio creates a Pathway for QTM Students and Quantitative Professionals
The department of Quantitative Theory and Methods (QTM) used the Academic Production Studio to record interviews in collaboration with Teaching & Learning Technologies in Fall 2019. These videos were then added to Canvas using the Canvas Studio tool for QTM students to view for professional development.