Halim Kim

halim这张漂亮的画是张泽端的“清明上河图”,英文标题是“Along the River During the Qingming Festival”. 这张广角的画很有名,也很大。张泽端其他的‘山水’画也都很有名。我觉得这张画很有意思,因为你可以看开封的风景,和开封人过清明节的时候的喜庆气氛。我最喜欢这张画的河和树木的颜色。颜色不太明也不太黑。照片还有中国特色的家和建筑。虽然我很喜欢这张画,如果我是画家,我希望重画这些人们。我希望加入人们的脸,这样就可以看看人们的过清明节的时候高兴的表情!我也希望加很多动物,比如狗、牛和马。但是我觉得这张已经很漂亮,开封的风景和环境很美。很多人说说,这张画是中国的蒙娜丽莎。两张画都很有名,可是我更喜欢张泽端的画。现在这张画是在北京的博物馆。我很希望我将来可以去看这张画!


This beautiful painting is Zhang Ze Duan’s “清明上河图“ or the English title is “Along the River During the Qingming Festival.” This panorama painting is very famous, and very big. Other ‘mountain-water’ paintings of Zhang Zeduan are also famous. I think this painting is interesting because you can see Kaifeng’s scenery, and Kaifeng people’s festive atmosphere when celebrating Qingming Festival. I like the color of the river and the trees most. The colors are not too bright, not too dark. The painting also has houses and architecture of Chinese characteristics. Although I really like this painting, if I were a painter, I would change the people in this painting. I want to add people’s faces, so you can see the happy faces of people celebrating Qingming Festival! I also want to add many animals, such as dogs, cows, and horses. But I think this picture is already very beautiful, and Kaifeng’s scenery and environment is very beautiful. Many people say this painting is China’s “Mona Lisa”. Both picture are famous and renowned, but I prefer Zhang Zeduan’s painting. Currently, this picture is in a museum in Beijing. I hope in the future I can go see this painting!

Jennilynne Esteban


王翚  (1632­1717)  是中国山水的画家。明代后期和清代早期,王翚画了很多画。”The Beauty  of Green Mountains and Rivers” 是一个王翚著名的山水画。王翚1679 年创作了这幅画,今天在上海博物馆展出。”The Beauty  of Green Mountains and Rivers” 描绘了黄山和新安。黄山自然的风景很美,有很多颜色很深的石头。黄山的旁边是新安。有时候黄山和新安景色看起来是青山绿水,所以王翚的画表现了绿山绿水。

这幅画的背景是森林和山脉,有幽的寺庙,看起来华灯初上。一个男子回寺庙区,也许是王翚。如果我在这里,我想沿着上山的路走去寺庙。我想欣赏风景和结识这神秘人物。然后,我们一起谈哲学和宗教。我喜欢这幅画因为它结构美观。我觉得王翚的技巧高得不得了。清代以来,王翚是闻名画家,他的画, “The Beauty of Green Mountains and Rivers,”令人难忘。

Wang Hui (1632­1717) was a Chinese landscape painter. During the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, Wang Hui created many  paintings.  “The Beauty of Green Mountains and Rivers” is one of Wang Hui’s famous paintings. This painting was completed in 1679 AD and today is displayed at the Shanghai Museum. “The Beauty of Green Mountains and Rivers”  is  a  depiction  of Huangshan and Xin’an River. The natural landscape of Huangshan is beautiful and there are many deep colored rocks.  Beside Huangshan is the Xin’an River. Sometimes, Huangshan and Xin’an seem to appear as green mountains and a green river. As a result, Wang Hui’s painting manifests green mountains and a green river.

The background of this painting shows the woods and mountain ranges. There is a hidden temple, and it appears to be early evening. A man returns to the temple­­perhaps it is Wang Hui. If I was there, I would like to walk along the path up the mountain to the temple. I would like to admire the scenery and meet this mysterious person. Afterwards, we will discuss philosophy and religion. I like this painting because of its beauty. I think Wang Hui’s skill is extremely high. Since the Qing Dynasty, Wang Hui was a renowned painter and his painting, “The Beauty of Green Mountains and Rivers,” is not easy to forget.

Nuñez Alexandra






My chosen painting is White Cloud Mangroves by Lan Ying.  This painting is multicolored and I think it is very beautiful.  The artist’s mountains are blue and green.  His trees are red and white.  This artist made his painting quite long.  At the bottom of the work is a man on a bridge overlooking the scenery.

Lan Ying was born and raised in Hangzhou.  He was born in 1585 and died in 1664.  Lan Ying lived in Mingchao.  He had some aliases, for example, Xihu Waishi.  Normally, he liked to paint scenery, people, flowers, and birds.  I like his paintings because he used many bright colors on his clouds.  It seems that there were not many artists used many colors in their creations.  I think this makes him special and unique.

I think that Lan Ying’s paintings make me feel very happy.  Lan Ying had many sources of inspiration.  He studied the complete works of Huang Gongwang in the Shen Zhou and Wu Schools. This artist’s complete works are unique because he painted many masterpieces. If were to be in the picture, I would have a relaxed attitude.

Naya Ratanapruksakul

Wang Xizhi Watching Geese, Yuan dynasty (1271–1368), ca. 1295 by Qian Xuan


这幅画上是一个小棚屋,小棚屋的前面是一条河,在河里游来游去是两只纯白色的鹅。在小棚里站着一个师傅和一个学生。他们的后边有一个非常高大的树,树上的叶子除了有青绿色的,还有蓝色的。我觉得这些颜色组合真奇怪。画家在整个环境上大半用了淡淡的颜色, 令人看起来心里感觉得特别和平。

画家的名字是钱选,他是个山水画家,所以他经常画自然景物 。我选了这幅画,因为我觉得这幅画鼓舞人心,而且树上的叶子画得很抽象,十分特别。


This painting depicts a small hut, in front of the hut there is a river. In the river there are two geese swimming around. There is also a teacher and a student inside the hut. Behind them, there is a very large tree and tall tree. The trees contain not only green leaves, but also blue leaves. I think the combination of these colors is strange. In the painting, the artist uses mainly pale colors, which makes the painting look very peaceful.

The artist’s name is Qian Yuan, he is a landscape painter, and therefore he likes to paint natural objects. I chose this painting because it is very inspiring. Also, the tree leaves are abstract, which is very unique.

In the painting, the teacher’s name is Wang XiZhi, a famous calligraphy painter. The environment surrounding him is very quiet, but he can still admire the movements of the geese. His student sits with him and together and looks upon the beautiful environment. Some trees have blue leaves; this is because the painting depicts an imagination, not reality. In reality, this level of serenity and beauty can never be found. I would like to climb that tree, because it looks very fun. If I could be in this environment, I would be so happy.

Jee Young Moon

郭熙的jee young moon早春图

       郭熙是一位有名的中国画家。他在北宋的时候在河南省出生。 他受到了良好的教育,发展了非常纤秀的画风。他给后来的画家留下了很深的影响。 他一般画山水风景,早春图是郭熙的代表作。现在早春图保留在台北故宫博物馆里。



 Guo Xi’s Early Spring

Guo Xi is a famous Chinese painter. He was born in Henan Province during the Northern Song Dynasty time. He received a good education, and developed a very delicate style. He greatly influenced future artists. He generally painted scenery with mountains and water, and Guo Xi’s Early Spring is his masterpiece. Early Spring is now kept in the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

Early Spring is a water and ink painting, so it is colorless. There are mountains and water on the map. Rock mountain, tall and mysterious, covers most of the area. Mountains are high that they are misty with clouds, clouds and mist give mysterious impression. Rock mountain has a round shape, and strange looking trees are here and there. Because it is early spring, the crooked trees are neither so scattered nor so lush. Lower part of the painting is water. On the right side is a man paddling water on the boat, on the left side are two people waiting for the boat. Brushwork is vey deep in the front, and very shallow in the back, so the painting expresses the distance very well.

I chose this painting because this painting called Early Spring, and nowadays it is early spring. Also, this painting is famous and beautiful. If I was inside the painting, I would praise the beautiful scenery on the boat with the person rowing the boat.