Category Archives: Student Opportunities

Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Global Safe WASH

Project Summary

The Center for Global Safe Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (CGSW) is seeking Graduate Research Assistants (GRA) with strong data skills to support one of the existing projects: The Accelerating Cholera Prevention, Preparedness, and Control in Kenya through Hotspot Mapping, Genotyping, Exposure Assessment, and WASH+OCV Interventions (AChoPACE) study is aimed at using hot spot mapping to assess exposure to fecal contamination, specifically Vibrio Cholerae in urban informal settlements to design and implement integrated intervention strategies. 


Student Role 

Under the guidance of CGSW faculty and staff, the GRA will assist with database development, monitoring the data collection and data quality, data manipulation and analysis, data visualization, and publications.



  • Applicants must have good knowledge of public health, statistics, and computer programming.  
  • Skills: intermediate skill in R/SAS and knowledge about ODK/mobile data collection are required.


How to Apply    

Please send your CV and an e-mail describing your interest, background, and availability during Fall 2020 semester to Habib Yakubu (habib [dot] yakubu [at] emory [dot] edu) and Sarah Durry (sarah [dot] elias [dot] durry [at] emory [dot] edu).

PhD Program in Biological Sciences in Public Health, Harvard T.H Chan SPH

Program Description

The PhD program in Biological Sciences in Public Health (BPH) emphasizes interdisciplinary basic research spanning from molecular biology to human populations. BPH students develop individualized research projects focused on defining the molecular underpinnings of human health and disease by employing cutting-edge approaches in biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, genomics, metabolic biology, physiology, immunology, biophysics, computational and systems biology, and bioengineering. A central goal of the research in this program, whether basic or translational, is the improved understanding, prevention, and treatment of the most common and impactful global health threats.

The program encompasses laboratories and faculty mentors in the Departments of Environmental Health, Immunology, and Infectious Diseases, Molecular Metabolism, and Nutrition. Major areas of investigation include: 

  • The Metabolic Basis of Health and Disease: Metabolic function and dysfunction are at the core of human physiology and pathology, impacting a diverse array of chronic and infectious diseases. BPH laboratories are focused on metabolism research as a core element in understanding and therapeutically intervening in aging, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, inflammation, obesity, and neurodegenerative diseases, among others. 
  • Immunology and Infectious Diseases: Defining the complex interplay of infectious agents and microbes with their hosts is central to preventing and treating many of the world’s most widespread and deadliest diseases. BPH laboratories are focused on infectious and immune-mediated diseases, including HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Chagas, Malaria, Pneumonia, Enteric Diseases, Inflammatory Bowel, and Autoimmune diseases.
  • Environmental Health: Environmental exposures are a major underlying risk factor for numerous chronic diseases. BPH laboratories are focused on how cells and tissues adapt and respond to air pollution particles, environmental toxins, infectious agents, and radiation. Research projects employ a range of modern techniques to mechanistically define the pathogenesis of asthma and other lung diseases and responses to radiation and environmental stresses impacting health risk and outcomes.

While the program roots cut across the entire range of biological sciences, the research also employs core quantitative disciplines (e.g., biostatistics and epidemiology), as well as approaches that bridge biology, chemistry, engineering, and computation. Students attracted to this program generally share this interdisciplinary interest and a desire to confront the most pressing health issues of our time.


Program and Application Details

All students admitted into this training program are provided full tuition, health insurance and stipend support. Our graduates hold distinguished positions in academia, industry, government, and other arenas of life science research, consulting, communications and policy. The application deadline for the 2021-22 Academic Year is December 1, 2020. 
Please note: The BPH program does not require or consider the GRE as part of its application process. In addition, applicants who are non-native English speakers and who received their undergraduate degree from an academic institution where English is not the primary language of instruction now have the option to submit scores for the International English Language Testing System – Academic test (IELTS) as proof of English proficiency.


Learn More about the Program

More information can be found on their website or through these upcoming recruitment events:

BPH Virtual Open Houses

Harvard Integrated Life Sciences (HILS) Open House

Mental Health & Well-Being Programming Series, CAPS


Emory’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) has a variety of resources and workshops surrounding aimed at helping students manage academic and personal stress during distance learning, as well as activism and self-care.  See the flyers below for a summary of the opportunities and resources available to you. 

To sign up for any of the events or workshop series listed below, click here to check out all of the events scheduled by CAPS, and make sure to log in with your Emory credentials in order to register. 


Procrastination and Anxiety Toolkit

  • Click here to register for one or both of the Toolkit workshops.


Doing the Work: Activism and Self-Care

  • Click here to register for one of the events in this series. 


Stress Clinic

  • Click here to register for a Stress Clinic workshop.  


Virtual Workshops Series 

  • CAPS also has a variety of weekly workshops on Friday afternoons during the semester, click here to register for one of the events listed below. 


Isolation and Quarantine Support Resources 

  • Click here to register for one of the online support groups for Emory students in medical isolation or quarantine. 

Graduate Research Assistant – Data Manager, RSPH

Role Description

The Lopman Lab team conducts research globally and in the United States with research targeted at diarrheal diseases, specifically those caused by rotavirus and norovirus. More recently, this research has also focused on COVID-19. We employ a range of approaches including field studies, statistical analysis, and dynamic mathematical modeling to address public health policy relevant research questions.

We are seeking a Graduate Research Assistant to work on a project examining social mixing patterns that are relevant to transmission of COVID-19 in nursing homes. The project will collect and analyze social mixing patterns of workers in several nursing homes in the Atlanta area in order to better parameterize infectious disease models, and thus evaluate COVID-19 interventions.

The GRA will assist with data collection and management in REDCap. The candidate must reside in the Atlanta area to assist with data collection and the schedule is approximately 20 hours per week.



  • Proficient in REDCap.
  • Ability to work well independently and efficiently.
  • Self-motivation and a high level of responsibility to complete tasks in a timely manner and make significant progress with limited supervision from doctoral student mentors.
  • Attention to detail and time management skills.
  • Data management skills. 


How to Apply

Click here to read more about this position and apply on Handshake

*This position is REAL eligible but not required*

Student Assistant, CDC

Opportunity Description

The CDC Prion and Public Health Office (within the Division of High-Consequence Pathogens and Pathology, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases) is looking for assistance from an MPH (epidemiology) student who has finished the first year of study. This is a part-time, paid position (not work-study) that will include helping with epidemiologic projects through data entry, literature searches, and SAS analysis.


Application Information

Interested students may contact Ryan Maddox at rmaddox [at] cdc [dot] gov for additional information.

Note that the ongoing pandemic will obviously affect the hiring, onboarding, and training process.



Community Engagement & Recruitment Team, Hope Clinic

Opportunity Description

Join the Community Engagement and Recruitment Team at Emory’s Hope Clinic! They are looking for a few candidates to join their team and help recruit for ongoing sexual health clinical trial studies. Duties include recruiting, screening, identifying, and interviewing participants for data collection in clinical research projects. Positions are available for temporary, full- and part-time work.

How to Apply 


Coalition Support Intern, Task Force for Global Health

Organization Description

The Task Force for Global Health is an independent, 501(c)3, nongovernmental organization based in Atlanta, GA, USA, with a field office in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our programs focus on eliminating diseases and protecting populations. Since our founding, we only take on problems we know can be solved, and we do it through powerful, global collaborations because we are in the business of solving problems. Until now, there has been no established forum to promote promising practices across the many and varied types of health campaigns. To address these gaps, The Task Force for Global Health has launched the Health Campaign Effectiveness Coalition with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Coalition is a cross-campaign coalition that fosters learning and systems change. It brings together country leaders, donors, multilateral organizations and NGOs from several large-scale health campaign domains, as well as specialists in health systems, ethics, and health economics. The Coalition will support research that fosters the testing and replication of evidence-based campaign practices. It will also develop guidelines and approaches so campaigns can improve collaboration with the health systems of countries.


Duties and Responsibilities 

The student will serve as a REAL intern with the Health Campaign Effectiveness program. Student will assist in various coalition-support activities including but not limited to:

  • Support HCE Coalition work group(s) activities, such as communication to work group members, planning and supporting meetings, following up on work group action items, and facilitating coordination
  • Assist in managing website resources to fulfill the coalition’s knowledge management strategy/focus
  • Contribute towards the planning and facilitation of a (virtual) international conference to convene the HCE Coalition
  • Contribute to literature review and synthesis activities

This role for the student will allow them to work hands on with members of the team such as the Communications Manager, Project Manager, Sr Associate Director for the Coalition, Sr Associate Director for Implementation Research, the Director, along with members of a global health coalition.


This position is remote eligible and is open to REAL and non-REAL students. 


How to Apply 

Click here to read more about this position and apply on Handshake! 




Research Assistant, EpiModel Research Lab

Lab Description 

The EpiModel Research Lab at Emory, led by Assistant Professor Samuel Jenness in the Department of Epidemiology (, develops innovative epidemiological methods and software tools ( to investigate infectious disease transmission dynamics. 

Our research areas are at the intersection of mathematical modeling, infectious disease epidemiology, network science, health economics, and computer science. We solve public health problems related to the drivers of transmission of infectious diseases and the optimal strategies for their prevention & control. Our current applied research focus includes both sexually transmitted diseases (HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis) and respiratory infectious diseases (TB, SARS-CoV-2, influenza).

Past EpiModel RAs have used their experiences with our lab to successfully advance to the next stage of their public health careers as PhD doctoral students, CDC fellows, and data analyst staff. EpiModel RAs have also directly grown their CVs by co-authoring scientific articles with lab members that have been published in the top epidemiology and infectious disease journals.


Opportunity Descriptions 

We are currently hiring multiple Research Assistants to support both the technical work and the project management of our research portfolio.

The Scientific RA would perform these duties:

  • Software code development and review, including computational optimization techniques for existing code and unit testing new code;
  • Literature reviews and summaries related to the research products;
  • Analysis, summarization, and writing of results.

The Project Management RA would perform these duties:

  • Organization and maintenance of our online repositories for the project, including management of the Github study home and study websites
  • Coordination of meetings and work across our study sites at Emory University, University of Washington, University of Minnesota, and Northwestern University
  • Editing scientific products, including journal articles, software documentation, and workshop materials.

Both RA positions may be performed entirely through remote work (online).


Application Details 

  • Click here to read more about this position and apply on Handshake! 
  • Applications for this position will be accepted from students who have qualified for REAL program and those who have not.
    • If you have qualified for REAL, please indicate that in your application cover letter; we will ask for verification of REAL status if we proceed with an interview.
  • Please submit a cover letter explaining your interests in the position and a current CV.
    • In your cover letter, you should specify which RA position you are interested in, and detail all experiences or skills specifically related to job duties outlined above.



Data Analyst Intern – Chronic Viral Diseases Branch, CDC

Opportunity Description

In light of the COVID-19 situation, it is expected that this position will largely involve telework, subject to CDC’s most current flexibility policies. The student should have sufficient resources to work remotely and independently (adequate computing equipment, electronic library access, etc.). Presentations will be given via Zoom (or some other technology easily accessible to CDC employees). If the situation improves, it may be possible to hold in-person meetings and presentations, although it is likely that presentations will continue to be given via Zoom/or other technology. The position is located within the Chronic Viral Diseases Branch at CDC. The core activity of the human Immunology team is to conduct assays to monitor human papillomavirus antibody response to natural infection or vaccination.


Duties and Responsibilities 

As part of the team, the analyst will help streamline and automate by creating scripts to handle specific areas of data management, analysis and reporting in support of national and international HPV seroepidemiology and vaccine implementation studies. The analyst will have the opportunity to observe a public health lab in action as well as participate/attend in branch and CDC-wide scientific seminars. It would be beneficial if the applicant had knowledge and skills in R and Microsoft Excel. The position will help develop on core public health competencies of Analytical Skills, Communication skills, leadership and thinking skills. 


How to Apply 

Click here to read more about this position and apply on Handshake! 



Academic Resource Center Support Services

Summary of Services 

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) at Rollins School of Public Health offers free writing and quantitative support for currently enrolled MPH and MSPH students. Tutors are available by appointment and quantitative tutors have virtual drop‐in hours Monday through Friday.

Visit their website or email them at rspharc [at] emory [dot] edu to learn more about their available services.


Upcoming Events

  • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Seminar February 6, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series; HTTPS://ZOOM.US/MY/EMILYNPETERSON Online Location: HTTPS://ZOOM.US/MY/EMILYNPETERSONEvent Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics SeminarSpeaker: Håvard Rue, PhDContact Name: Mercedes LewisContact Email: mercedes.christina.lewis@emory.eduRoom Location: CNR_1000 Richard M. Levinson PhD ClassroomHåvard Rue, PhD, Distinguished Professor,King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)Seminar Title: Cross-validation for Dependent Data

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