Category Archives: Work Study

2024-2025 Science Communication Fellows, Emory Center for Infectious Disease Modeling & Analytics and Training Hub

Application Open: 2024-2025 Science Communication Fellows. This opportunity is a new initiative with the Emory Center for Infectious Disease Modeling & Analytics and Training Hub (CIDMATH). CIDMATH works with CDC and community partners to improve and innovate analytical and forecasting tools to inform public health knowledge, practice, and policy.The Science Communication Fellows will be responsible for creating communications about CIDMATH’s work in multiple formats and to a variety of audiences, both within and outside of Emory. This could include internal newsletters, brief reports, infographics, and more.
This is a paid position open to REAL and non-REAL students. The position is $15/hour with an expected time commitment of 10 hours/week for the 2024-2025 academic year (October-May) and with the option to extend through Summer 2025. This can also be an Applied Practice Experience (APE).
Applicants must be 1st or 2nd year Epidemiology students in the 2-year MPH/MSPH program. We are seeking 5 students who are flexible, creative, professional, and possess strong writing/communication skills.
The application closes at 5pm on Wednesday, September 18th.
Click here to apply.
If you have any questions, please contact Emi Grill at etgrill [at] emory [dot] edu

REAL Student Interns, American Cancer Society

 Position Title:  Research Interns 

Department:    Surveillance and Health Equity Science, Intramural Research, Health Services Research


This research internship can fulfill the practicum and/or thesis requirement. The intern will participate in projects related to health services research, learning skills for scientific research by conducting data analyses, presenting analytical results to both internal and external collaborators, drafting research proposals and manuscripts and performing other scientific activities under the supervision of senior researchers.


  • Conduct literature review on topics related to access to cancer care and cancer disparities.
  • Analyze data on studies related to cancer disparities.
  • Build database, prepare tables and figures for scientific presentations.
  • Potential to lead or co-lead a research project in health services research.



  • Master’s degree student or higher education level
  • Data analysis experience: R, SAS, or Stata programming skills in social epidemiology research environment. Ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously. 
  • Excellent organizational, interpersonal, and oral and written communication skills.


  • Remote


  • ~20 hours/week Fall 2024-Spring 2025 Emory University academic year.


Internships Available, Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment, EPA

The Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment (CPHEA) is a leader in the science of human health and ecological risk assessment. Divisions within CPHEA, such as the Chemical and Pollutant Assessment Division (CPAD), occupy a critical position within EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) between the research community and EPA’s program and regional offices who make regulatory, enforcement, and remedial action decisions. CPAD is tasked with determining how pollutants or other stressors may impact human health and the environment.
CPHEA’s Education Program provides participants with educational and professional opportunities in the development of human health and ecological risk assessments, using robust scientific processes to determine how pollutants or other stressors may impact human health and the environment. Through on-the-job training, students work with CPHEA CPAD staff as part of a team conducting an assessment. Through this process students learn about risk assessment (e.g. hazard identification, mode of action analysis, dose-response analysis), systematic review, and new computational tools being utilized in evidence analysis. Students may also assist with confirming toxicity and risk information gathered computationally from public sources to assure accuracy. These non-laboratory positions are ideal for students interested in learning more about the application of toxicological, epidemiological, and environmental research to support science decisions related to risk assessment. CPHEA is currently seeking applications for Student Intern positions.

Technical Qualifications:
This position does not require study in a particular discipline, but applicants with coursework or experience in the following areas are strongly preferred: biology, ecology, toxicology, environmental science, public health, epidemiology, bioinformatics, molecular biology, statistics, or a related field. The specific project will be based on student area of interest, completed or in progress coursework, and discussions with academic mentors. The ideal candidate would possess and/or demonstrate the following:

  • Proactive and engaging nature.
  • Ability to work well in a team environment.
  • General knowledge and interest in public health and environmental sciences.
  • Excellent communications skills

Eligibility Requirements:
The applicant must be a U.S. citizen enrolled at least half-time and be in good standing in a degree-seeking program (bachelor, master, or doctoral degree) at an accredited U.S. educational institution. Participants are required to show proof of enrollment and provide a completed resume.
The program duration will be for a minimum of 10 weeks, 10-15 hours per week within the 2024-2025 school year. This is an unpaid educational opportunity in a virtual environment. Students will be assigned a mentor for the duration of this internship. The participant does not become an EPA employee.

How to Apply:
Interested students should email a statement of interest/cover letter (no more than 1 page), proof of enrollment, and resume/CV to: Louis Neal (neal [dot] louis [at] epa [dot] gov) or Amanda Persad (persad [dot] amanda [at] epa [dot] gov). In the subject line, reference ‘CPHEA Education Program. The statement of interest should clearly identify your academic and professional interests. Potential candidates will have to undergo a background check prior to onboarding. EPA will accept applicants on a rolling basis. For consideration for the Fall/Winter semester, applications are due by July 31, 2024.

    Graduate Research Assistant , Emory Prevention Research Center

    Position Description

    The Emory Prevention Research Center (EPRC) seeks 2 part-time Graduate Research Assistants (15-20 hours/week). The position includes the opportunity to work on Healthy Homes Healthy Families 2-1-1, an environmental change intervention designed to prevent weight gain among adults by decreasing energy intake. This intervention is designed to guide families into creating healthier home environments that support healthy eating. GRA tasks include data collection via telephone interviews, data entry, and other duties as needed. 



    The EPRC conducts research and evaluation on chronic disease prevention and promotes evidence-based cancer prevention and control. The research and activities of the EPRC are planned with the participation and input of our community partners, in the spirit of community-based participatory research. Our cancer projects are funded by NCI and the CDC to promote the use of evidence-based cancer prevention practices. Click here for more information about the EPRC. Information about Healthy Homes Healthy Families 2-1-1 is available here.




    • Highly motivated, efficient, organized, detail-oriented and interest or experience working on research, evaluation, or cancer prevention and control.


    • Prior work experience preferred. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Experience with Microsoft Office products. Experience with Excel, Access, online survey software, or SPSS a plus. Experience with qualitative data collection, quantitative data collection, and 24-hour dietary recalls is a plus.


    Other Information 

    • Compensation:  GRA level salary ($13.50/hour)
    • Schedule requirements/preferences:  Availability to work a flexible schedule, evenings and weekends included, for 15-20 hours per week.
    •  Start Date: April 2021


    How to Apply 

    • Application Deadline: April 16, 2021
    • Send resume and cover letter by email to: Clarisa Hernandez, Emory Prevention Research Center at  cherna9 [at] emory [dot] edu

    GRA – Correctional Healthcare EPI, RSPH

    ***This position is available for non-REAL students***



    Dr. Spaulding is actively looking for a Graduate Research Assistant to join our team at the Center for the Health of Incarcerated Persons. The Emory University Center for the Health of Incarcerated Persons (CHIP) exists to improve the health of those passing through correctional facilities internationally ( e.g., Haiti/Caribbean), Georgia, and elsewhere in the U.S. (e.g., Washington D.C. ). It encourages the conduct of ethically responsible and scientifically rigorous health research in prisons, jails and post-incarceration settings. CHIP also promotes collaboration among researchers with an interest in correctional health. Persons in correctional systems are some of the most vulnerable members of society, who are often beyond the reach of the jurisdiction’s existing medical system. The Center is an interactive community that enhances collaboration between academic investigators, students, correctional institutions, community based organizations, healthcare professionals, previously or currently incarcerated persons, and others with an interest in correctional health care to address the public health needs of this vulnerable group. The work mainly focuses on HIV and Hepatitis C. The Center is directed by Anne C. Spaulding, MD, MPH.


    Skills and Experience

    Candidate must be a self-starter, work well in team settings, and have the ability to work independently. The following skills may be employed: survey administration, analysis, literature searches, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. Strong interpersonal and writing skills are required. Prefer entering graduate students in public health or rising second year graduate students in public health, with good quantitative skills, an ability to write and knowledge of data management. REAL recipients are strongly encouraged to apply. Proficiency in R is preferred. A student who has completed a correctional health course such as EPI 523 with an interest in infectious disease epidemiology and/or criminal justice system is a plus. 



    Assist the Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator with the daily management of correctional health research projects. Duties include: data management and analyses, literature searches, light clerical duties, and other related duties. The position specifically focuses on infectious disease in prisons in Haiti (HIV, TB and COVID-19).


    How to Apply

    Click here to read more about this position and apply on Handshake! 


    Graduate Research Assistant, Emory Prevention Research Center

    ***Position open to non-REAL students***


    Position Description 

    The Emory Prevention Research Center (EPRC) seeks 2 part-time Graduate Research Assistants (15-20 hours/week). The position includes the opportunity to work on Healthy Homes Healthy Families 2-1-1, an environmental change intervention designed to prevent weight gain among adults by decreasing energy intake. This intervention is designed to guide families into creating healthier home environments that support healthy eating. GRA tasks include data collection via telephone interviews, data entry, and other duties as needed. 


    Organization Description 

    The EPRC conducts research and evaluation on chronic disease prevention and promotes evidence-based cancer prevention and control. The research and activities of the EPRC are planned with the participation and input of our community partners, in the spirit of community-based participatory research. Our cancer projects are funded by NCI and the CDC to promote the use of evidence-based cancer prevention practices. Click here for more information about the EPRC. Information about Healthy Homes Healthy Families 2-1-1 is available here.  



    Minimum Qualifications

    • Highly motivated, efficient, organized, detail-oriented and interest or experience working on research, evaluation, or cancer prevention and control.

    Preferred Qualifications

    • Prior work experience preferred. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Experience with Microsoft Office products. Experience with Excel, Access, online survey software, or SPSS a plus. Experience with qualitative data collection, quantitative data collection, and 24-hour dietary recalls is a plus.


    Additional Position Details

    • Hours per week: 15-20 hours/week
    • Schedule requirements/preferences: Availability to work a flexible schedule, evenings and weekends included, for 15-20 hours per week.
    • Compensation: GRA level salary ($13.50/hour)
    • Start Date: April 2021


    How to Apply 

    • Application Deadline: April 16, 2021
    • Send resume and cover letter by email to: Clarisa Hernandez, Emory Prevention Research Center at cherna9 [at] emory [dot] edu


    Student Epidemiologist, GA Emerging Infections Program

    ***Open to REAL and non-REAL students***


    Role Description

    The Student Epidemiologist will be responsible for, but not limited to, the following:

    • data entry and cleaning
    • conduct telephone interviews for case-control and cohort studies
    • data collection from physicians’ offices and medical facilities via phone, fax and chart review
    • vaccine verification via various databases
    • isolate log-in and tracking


    Position Information

    • We request 15-20 hour/week work availability.
    • Will work around student’s schedule.
    • The position is currently primarily teleworking (with occasional time in the office), but with plans to return to an office environment once it’s been determined to be safe to do.
    • Will be assigned to a study team.


    How to Apply 

    Click here to read more about this position and apply on Handshake! 


    **Deadline Extended** Communications Associate – The Confounder

    The Department of Epidemiology is seeking a motivated 1st year MPH or MSPH student to manage The Confounder  (WordPress) and its corresponding weekly Mailchimp newsletter (The Weekly Confounder) – representing the voice and brand of the Department.

    Part-time Position – Communications Associate 
    Department of Epidemiology 
    Date(s): March 23, 2021 through December 31, 2021 
    Anticipated Hours: 6-8/week 
    Hourly Rate: $13.50 
    Apply by: March 16th, interviews via Zoom to follow.  
    Application: Email Confounder [at] emory [dot] edu with your resume and a brief description of your relevant experience and interest in the position. 

    Key characteristics of the overall brand include:

    • Community
    • Collegiality 
    • Academic rigor
    • Integrity
    • Ambition 

    The position will require the student to format and post content on the Confounder site as they are emailed to them and collated throughout the week. The associate will schedule weekly emails to be sent to the department and alumni, and work with the rest of the Epidemiology communications team to fulfill the mission and strategic goals of the department. This task may include independent search and identification of relevant content for the Confounder – including, but not limited to, events, jobs, and human-interest content from outside sources.

    A successful candidate would be able to identify, troubleshoot, and report technical issues with WordPress and Mailchimp to the appropriate team members as needed. This role may require communication with alumni and faculty via email for job postings and events. Other job duties may include recruiting individuals for #WeAreEmoryEPI highlights, writing occasional articles, assisting with website redesign/updates, and collaborating with the communications team to generate creative solutions to execute the Department’s communications goals.  


    • 1st year student in Epidemiology MPH/MSPH program
    • Strong writing/editing skills and attention to detail are a must
    • Experience with WordPress, Mailchimp, HTML, CSS preferred
    • Responsive to email, collaborative and proactive mentality, with energy and enthusiasm for their work 
    • Available for virtual bi-weekly team meetings via Zoom 
    • Work hours are typically inconsistent (20 minutes here and there), and will include at least some time on Saturdays and Sundays 

    Research Assistant, Emory School of Medicine

    *** This position is open to non-REAL students***


    Position Description 

    Emory Department of Family and Preventive Medicine seeks a Masters or Doctoral trainee candidate who will assist in recruitment and data analyses of pilot clinical trials and larger longitudinal databases. The research questions are focused on looking at behavioral risk factors and interventions for cardiovascular diseases and dementia prevention. The research efforts are vital to improving patient care, public health, and reduce health disparities. This position is a one year assignment with a possible extension for another year. It requires a minimum commitment of 15-20 hours per week. Motivated candidates will have opportunities to participate in abstract writing, presentation at scientific conferences, and co-authoring publications.



    • Knowledge of statistical programs (e.g. SAS) and prior experience in data analyses is required
    • Prior experience in scientific manuscript writing will be helpful to participate in publications
    • Good communication skills to help advertise studies and enroll and follow-up study participants
    • Understands and adheres to Emory School of Medicine and Emory Clinic’s compliance standards as they appear in the Compliance Policy, Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy
    • Bachelor’s degree, preferably in biological sciences, health sciences, or life sciences or equivalent combination of education and experience required


    How to Apply

    We kindly request that all applications be submitted by February 28th, 2021 for consideration. Please email your current resume or CV to Emily Chuba at emily [dot] ann [dot] chuba [at] emory [dot] edu.

    Teaching Assistant, Health PREP

    Program Overview 

    Health Professions Readiness Education Program (HealthPREP) at Emory is an 8-week summer program (May 31- July 23, 2021) facilitated by Emory School of Medicine (SOM) in partnership with the Rollins School of Public Health. HealthPREP provides resources to undergraduate and graduate scholars from disadvantaged backgrounds who are interested in health-related graduate and professional schools to enhance skills for competitive admissions.


    Job Summary

    HealthPREP is looking to hire five (5) RSPH graduate students from different departments to serve as teaching assistants (TAs) and mentors who will develop and deliver a public health curriculum to HealthPREP learners. The primary responsibilities involve instructional engagement and mentorship. HealthPREP TAs are expected to foster a supportive learning environment in which students are encouraged to increase their fund of knowledge and learn to exhibit behaviors expected of future healthcare and/or other professionals. HealthPREP TAs will receive a stipend award to cover approximately 10-15hrs per week beginning in mid-February through end of July.


    General Position Responsibilities

    • Develop, instruct, and lead specialized educational and research activities with HealthPREP learners
    • Provide coaching, mentoring, and leadership to HealthPREP learners
    • Ensure curriculum activities are effectively implemented
    • Demonstrate professionalism through preparedness, dress, and communication
    • Interact with HealthPREP learners to facilitate a collaborative, positive, and engaging environment


    Specific Duties/Responsibilities

    • Required work hours: Curriculum development will occur from mid-February – May 1st. Revisions and edits will occur during May. Curriculum implementation will occur from May 31 – July 23, 2021 on Mondays and Wednesdays, 8am – 12pm.
    • Before the program begins, from March 22 to April 9, HealthPREP TAs will have the opportunity to work alongside the HealthPREP Program Manager at the School of Medicine to interview applicants and select the 25 HealthPREP learners.
    • Record HealthPREP learner attendance during each session
    • Additional responsibilities and work hours as assigned



    • Prior experience working with historically underrepresented, minoritized populations or organizations (through research, work experience, or other internships). Qualified students from historically underrepresented and/or minoritized groups in health-related graduate and professional schools are highly encouraged to apply.
    • Track record of teaching, training, curriculum development, and other classroom activities is preferred
    • Ability to commit to work through end of July 2021
    • Demonstrated academic success
    • Exceptional leadership skills and ability to work effectively in a team
    • Self-discipline, high professional and ethical standards
    • Strong organizational skills
    • Proficiency in communication and interpersonal skills


    To Apply

    The application is due February 15th. If interested, please submit the following to Handshake:

    • Resume with Cover Letter
    • Evidence of teaching, training, or curriculum development is welcomed
    • Letter of Support from faculty member, academic advisor, or an individual who can attest to the candidate’s academic achievement.
    • Letter of Support may be submitted with application on Handshake, or sent directly to Shannon Vassell (Shannon [dot] vassell [at] emory [dot] edu). Please use email subject line: LOS for HealthPREP TA Applicant: YOUR NAME

    Click here to apply on Handshake! 

    Upcoming Events

    • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
    • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series April 3, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.

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