Category Archives: #WeAreEmoryEPI

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Meet Noni Bourne!

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Meet Noni Bourne! Noni is one of our Associate Director of Academic Programs (ADAPs) for the EPI department, specifically focusing on EPI and GLEPI MSPH and PhD students.

Tell us a little about your academic history/where you went to school.
I’m a proud alumna of Spelman College, where I graduated with my BA in English. I also have a Master’s in English Literature from Georgetown University. My career path has shifted since then, but I’m still an avid reader!
What were you doing before you came to Rollins?
Before I came to Rollins, I was in a similar role supporting undergraduates at a liberal arts school in Washington, DC. Before that, I had prior lives as a Peace Corps volunteer in Vanuatu; as a pre-school teacher; and of, course, other roles in higher education!
Why did you want to become ADAP for the Epidemiology Department? 
I was drawn to RSPH and EPI because of the student-centered environment. I’m from a family of educators and am a big nerd at heart. I knew this was the role for me when I heard and saw the focus on student success throughout my interview process.
What are you most excited about working with MPH students? 
What excites me about working with our students is the energy, enthusiasm, and motivation. Our students are amazing! I really am proud to see the amazing work they do everyday and it gives me life!
What goals do you have when working with new students? 
My goal when working with students is to be helpful. Whether it’s something small (like what to do when you lose your EmoryCard) or something big (like how do I best position myself to be marketable post-graduation), I hope my students always come out of my meetings with clear to-do’s and goals.
What is your favorite part of being at Emory?
The people! From students, to staff, to faculty–everyone I’ve meet and worked with here is wonderful.
What advice do you have for students? 
Ask questions; be a sponge; get involved!
What is one place in Atlanta that you would recommend people to visit?
This one is for the student-parents (or anyone who’s a kid at heart…or loves dinosaurs): Fernbank Museum. My littles love this place and will spend hours exploring the exhibits and playgrounds.
What are you currently reading/watching/listening to?
Reading A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik: a story set in a magical boarding school with a survivalist twist. 
What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?

1. I love a magical trilogy! (Please send me recommendations!)

2. I have 7-year-old twins and am a newly minted soccer mom.

3. I’ve reached the stage of life where Zumba is fun. (It really is!)

Thank you for sharing with us! We can’t wait for you all to see what’s next on #WeAreEmoryEpi!

#WeAreEmoryEpi: Meet Dr. Hannah Cooper!

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Tuesday, October 10th was World Mental Health Day, and this week we are highlighting Dr. Hannah Cooper! Dr. Cooper is the Rollins Chair of Substance Use Disorders Research and is a jointly appointed faculty member within both the BSHES and EPI Departments. Keep reading to learn more about her background and research! 

Tell us a little about your academic history/where you went to school.

I organized my training so that I could study and intervene in the structural determinants of drug-related harms, and of inequities in those harms. My commitment to understanding structural determinants and health equity led me to the Harvard School of Public Health’s Department of Health and Social Behavior for my graduate studies. My commitment to harm reduction drew me to a post-doc at a research institute that was wholly dedicated to supporting the health of people who use drugs.


What are your primary research interests?

I have dedicated my career to studying and intervening in the structural determinants of drug-related harms, and of inequities in those harms. I think of my career as unfolding in different chapters. First, I focused on how features of places, including War on Drugs policies, shaped these harms, and their distributions within and across US metro areas. Then I turned to the same topic, but in rural areas. Now, I am in a new chapter, on the intersection of harm reduction and reproductive justice.


How did you fall into the research you are currently conducting? 

There are two origins for my research. The first is that I am White, and descended from people who enslaved other people. My work on health equity is part of a broader lifelong commitment to reparations. The second is that drug-related harms are common in my extended family, and so I do this work out to honor them.


Are there any exciting projects or manuscripts that you are currently working on that you’d like to share with us?

I get to co-lead a new project called CORAL, which a partnership of Morehouse and Emory that is dedicated to helping Black pregnant and postpartum people flourish, with a focus on community-driven approaches to supporting behavioral health.


What is your favorite part of being at Emory? 

The people!


Tell us about any classes that you’re teaching/have taught in the past.

I get to teach two classes here: a proposal development course for BSHES PhD students, and a course on analyzing administrative data and geospatial data that focuses on harm reduction.


What advice do you have for students?

Trust yourself.


What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?

1. I just started playing the cello again.

2. I love reading.

3. There are only two fun facts about me, sadly.


How have you been spending your free time? 

Raising my daughter with my partner.

Thank you so much for your insight, Dr. Cooper! Stay tuned to see who we speak to next on #WeAreEmoryEpi! 


#WeAreEmoryEpi: Meet the 2023-24 Communications Team!

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

This week, we’re introducing this year’s communication team for the Epidemiology Department! Erica Schipper will be in charge of The Confounder, Kanak Belgaum will be running @rollinsepilife on Instagram, and I (Shamika Chavda) will be running our Twitter account, @EmoryEpi, and the #WeAreEmoryEpi posts. 

Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school.

Shamika: I graduated from the University of Florida this past Spring with a Bachelor’s in Public Health and minor in Health Disparities in Society! 

Erica: I graduated from William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia in 2022! I majored in Kinesiology & Health Sciences with a concentration in public health and a minor in math. I came straight to Rollins after undergrad, and am now a second year Epi student in the SDOH certificate program 🙂

Kanak: I graduated from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo in 2022, where I majored in Animal Science.

What are your primary research interests? 

Shamika: I’m most interested in studying emerging infectious diseases, zoonotic diseases, and disease surveillance.

Erica: My primary research interests are chronic health and developmental disabilities such as Autism. I have also worked in cancer research, and am currently working on a project in perinatal health.

Kanak: I am most interested in infectious & zoonotic diseases, with a focus on the role of data science/machine learning in those fields

What is your role on the communications team?

Shamika: I am a social media associate, and am running the Twitter page as well as the #WeAreEmoryEpi posts!

Erica: I manage the weekly Confounder newsletter and the ScholarBlog website.

Kanak: Social Media Associate (Instagram)

What are you looking forward to the most this semester? 

Shamika: It’s my first semester at Emory, so I’m very excited to get involved with internships and research exploring my interests as well as build new skills in infectious disease epi and programming!

I am really looking forward to taking more electives this semester, and applying everything I learned last year to my new classes.

Kanak: Besides paving my future career path, I am most excited to meet new people and explore the city of Atlanta. 

What are three fun facts you want people to know about you? 


  • I play the bass guitar and piano.
  • I love rewatching Studio Ghibli movies, and am approaching my 10th rewatch of My Neighbor Totoro.
  • I love going to concerts, and have a rubber chicken named Poblano that I bring with me to all of them to document the experience.


  • My favorite hobbies are making crafts, baking, and planning elaborate events like birthday parties or weddings that will never happen
  • I’ve performed the national anthem before a professional baseball game twice on an instrument I don’t really know how to play
  • I’m a Gilmore Girls mega fan and really wish I could live in Stars Hollow


  • I am a huge LA Clippers fan (unfortunately)
  • Starting in 2021, have watched 30+ seasons of Survivor 3.
  • I love traveling and visited Japan, England, and Paris this past summer!

Thanks for checking out this week’s WeAreEmoryEpi post!

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Meet Andres Miller!

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Meet Andres Miller! He is a second-year MPH Candidate in Global Epidemiology with various research interests nurtured through his experiences and time at Rollins! Andres shared with us some of his experiences.

Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school.

I attended Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. While there, I majored in Biology and minored in Urban Community Health.


What are your primary research interests?

My research interests are varied but centered around understanding the social and neighborhood dynamics that drive inequitable health outcomes in historically marginalized communities. I am particularly interested in chronic disease surveillance and translating epidemiologic methods into action to directly impact people.


Are there any exciting projects that you are currently working on that you’d like to share with us?

I am working on a project highlighting methodologies and measurements used to approximate structural racism to benefit researchers exploring these topics. More recently, an old colleague has reached out to collaborate on building a small community assessment exploring adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and educational outcomes for children in South Memphis. Although it is still in the works, I am excited to apply some of the tools I’ve learned in study design through my coursework to benefit communities similar to those that shaped me!


What is your favorite part about earning your MPH at Emory?

The collaboration! Emory has an extensive reach, and I appreciate the willingness of faculty and staff to get students involved in research and practical opportunities.


When applying, what were you looking for in a public health school, and what factors drove you to pick Rollins?

The biggest thing that stuck out to me was the access to the extensive network of Emory/Rollins alumni doing amazing things in the field of public health. I have worked as a public health professional in work and through travelling, and I was always struck by the care and intention I saw in Rollins graduates. Also, as an alumnus of the National Service, it felt great going to a place that invests in and recognizes the diverse perspectives that come from engaging in deep, meaningful service to your community.


What has been your favorite class at Rollins thus far, and why?

I would have to say EPI 542 (Epidemiology of Tuberculosis), which is a 7-week class. It was an excellent opportunity to hear from leaders–who are actively working in the field–share their experiences addressing outbreaks and scientific advancements. Being able to walk through a real-life case study with the CDC Tuberculosis Response team and asking them questions about their career paths did a lot for me. It really helped me visualize what my future career paths might look like!


How have you been spending your free time?

Free time? What do you mean?

But seriously, I enjoy making music in my free time, and I have had the opportunity to be in community with fellow students on the weekends. I am also a nature nerd and am all about the outdoors. Sometimes, I’ll hit the trails around Atlanta and randomly identify birds.


Do you have any advice for anyone looking for prospective public health students?

Public health is for everyone! No matter what experiences you may have had in your professional and academic life, your voice, skills, perspectives, and passions can provide valuable insight into the field.


What advice do you have for 1st years?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. I know we may have been conditioned for years to appear like we have all the answers, but science is all about knowing what you don’t know and being unafraid to admit it!


What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?
  1. I am multilingual. I speak 3 to 4 languages.
  2. I once recorded a gospel album.
  3. After the World Series last year, [NBA legend and television personality] Charles Barkley once bought me a drink (along with the rest of the bar).


Thank you for talking with us, Andres! We can’t wait for everyone to see who we talk to next!

#InsideAPE: Joel Espinoza and the New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Meet Joel Espinoza! He is a second-year student on track to obtain a Master of Science in Public Health in Epidemiology. Joel is using his time at Rollins to obtain two certificates, one in Infectious Disease Epidemiology and the other in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). In addition, he shares his experience working in local government in New York City and his second APE with us.

Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school.

I graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Molecular and Cell Biology and Public Health. 


What are your primary research interests?

I’m primarily interested in infectious disease surveillance, dynamics, and analysis, mainly sexually transmitted infections (STIs), enteric illnesses, and multi-drug resistant organisms.


Tell us about your APE project.

I have two! The first is a paid position with the New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH). I was initially recruited to assess the severity of Hepatitis C Virus-related outcomes (cirrhosis, liver transplantation, cancer, etc.) from 2001 to 2019 in New York City; however, my tasks have expanded to generating reports and handling data requests for clinics throughout the city. I also provide analytical support as it relates to the new Monkeypox outbreak.

My second APE is tied to my thesis, where I work with GOJO Industries, which is the maker of Purell. I am creating a database to assess the efficacy of alcohol-based sanitizers versus traditional handwashing in reducing the microbial load on hands among varying age groups and geographies.


How did you find your APE project?

I started with random internet searches around large cities because I knew I wanted local government experience. I had found the Epi Scholars program with the DOHMH on my own, and I started working on the application about a month before I noticed that Rollins had shared it in the newsletter.


When did you start looking for an APE? When did you start working for your APE organization?

I started looking for APEs around late October/November, but I didn’t officially start with DOHMH until June! To be fair, there was a very long application process for this program, and I hadn’t confirmed my position until about mid-April.


Are you pursuing/interested in any certificates? If so, was it difficult to meet your APE requirements?

Yes! Luckily, the Infectious Disease Epidemiology and WASH certificates complement each other well, despite “double-dipping” being prohibited. I had to do two APEs because the Epi Scholars Program/Project was/is not WASH-related. Since my thesis was, I worked with GOJO Industries and my thesis advisor to create another APE that would benefit both GOJO and my academic career.


What has the experience been like so far?

I’d say I really hit the ground running with my current position. Local governments, especially large ones like New York City, are constantly changing and restructuring. This coincidentally left the current bureau I work in with only one data analyst, so they’ve put me to work! I have had some opportunities to network, but many people still operate remotely due to the pandemic. Luckily, I have received an offer to take on a remote contract position as a Research Specialist to continue to assist the department as needed.


Any advice for people looking for an APE?

The most sage advice I received was from Dr. Scott Fridkin: He encouraged me not to pick an APE just because it was “available,” alluding to my current work with the Georgia Emerging Infections Program. He made me realize that the APE serves to expand on our skills and experiences that we haven’t yet had the opportunity to gain within our first year. It gave me the courage to stick it out through the waiting period to hear back instead of settling for another option.


How have you been spending your free time this summer? Anything interesting you’re doing?

I’ve been exploring New York City! My jobs allow me to work remotely at times, so I also try to turn that into opportunities to explore new coffee shops.


What are three fun facts you want people to know about you?
  1. I’ve been a dancer for over eight years.
  2. I can make balloon animals.
  3. My favorite flavor is anything s’more related . . . with maple as a close second.


Thanks for talking with us, Joel! Tune in next week to see who we speak to next!

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Meet Dannelle Charles!

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Meet Dannelle Charles! She is a first-year MPH Candidate in the Epidemiology Department and is our second department representative on the Rollins Student Government Association. She’s interested in the health of Black and Indigenous/Latine health. Let’s hear more about her.

Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school.

I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida, in 2022. While there, I obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a minor in Public Health.


What are your primary research interests?

My primary research interests are maternal and child health. I want to focus on the Black infant and maternal mortality rate, maternal substance use, and Black & Indigenous/Latine reproductive health. I am also interested in focusing on health disparities and family needs assessment.


Are there any exciting projects that you are currently working on that you’d like to share with us?

Currently, I am working on a qualitative project focusing on identifying the barriers to adjuvant endocrine therapy (AET) adherence among Black women with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. The primary focus is on Black women because of their low adherence rates to AET compared to white women. For this project, we interviewed both patients and providers.


What is your favorite part about earning your MPH at Emory?

My favorite part about earning my degree at Emory thus far is the connections I’ve made with my peers! I appreciate that everyone genuinely wants to help each other out and is rooting for one another. I have noticed that we all have a similar theme in the trajectory that brought us here at Emory; you’ll always feel seen and heard here.


When applying, what were you looking for in a public health school, and what factors drove you to pick Rollins?

At Rollins, I would be mentored by faculty in my niche research interest and be in the public health capital of the world. What really drove me to pick Rollins was the exchange of positive experiences from alums when reflecting on their time in the program, from the courses to faculty to peer-to-peer interactions.


What advice do you have for people who may be interested in getting their MPH?

Go for it! What’s amazing about this degree and public health is that it’s multidisciplinary, so you’ll still be able to utilize what you’ve learned in these two years, regardless of your chosen career, after earning your MPH.


What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?
  1. I’m a first-generation graduate student.
  2. I’m a loud and proud Haitian-American.
  3. I have a three-octave range.

Thanks for talking with us, Dannelle! Tune in next week to see who we talk to next!

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Meet Brenda Hardy!

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Luckily,we have our very own Associate Director of Academic Programs (ADAP) specifically for it. Our ADAPs are the equivalent of academic advisors at most institutions, and they serve as a great point of contact for questions relating to the department, academic advising, classes, and so much more. Take the opportunity to meet our ADAP, Brenda Hardy! She advises students who are in the Global Epidemiology (GLEPI) Master of Public Health and Master of Science in Public Health programs.

Tell us a little about your academic history/where you went to school.

I earned all three of my degrees from the University of Albany in New York. I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, a Masters of Science in Counseling Psychology and a Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) degree in School Counseling.


What were you doing before you came to Rollins?

Right after I graduated, I was an archaeologist for a number of years. Then, when I had my son, I returned to school to earn my Master’s and CAS degrees. I have since been advising in higher education for about 33 years.


Why did you want to become ADAP for the Epidemiology Department?

I had been in higher education for quite a long time. I was moving to Georgia to be near my grandchildren, and the Department of Epidemiology was hiring. When I interviewed and learned more about the job, I knew the department would be a perfect fit for me.


What are you most excited about working with MPH students?

I love seeing them be so successful and so caring. Epidemiology and public health are such wonderful professions, and this is my way of supporting both the field and my students.


What goals do you have when working with new students?

I have a few goals. Most importantly, I want to make sure that my students are okay. I like listening to my students and helping them achieve their goals. I want my students to always feel cared for and understood.


What is your favorite part of being at Emory?

I love so many things. My favorite part of all of it is the people I work with. They make coming to work a joy. I also love doing all I can to help everything go smoothly for everyone on staff, as well as students.


What advice do you have for students?

Be kind. Be kind to others and be kind to yourself. Figure out what is important to you and work towards your goals. Also, know that goals can change and plans can change. Be open to the possibilities.


What is one place in Atlanta that you would recommend people to visit?

My son, daughter-in-law, grandkids and I will often go to IKEA and then the Georgia Aquarium. I am new to the area, and I don’t know a lot of policies. Doing things in Atlanta can be such a drive since I live in Cobb County.


What are you currently reading/watching/listening to?

I read the Matthew Perry biography in two days. I watch a lot of documentaries on TV.


What are three fun facts that you want people to know about you?
  1. I love being a grandma more than anything.
  2. I made my son’s and daughter-in-law’s wedding cake.
  3. I loved doing archaeology and working at the New York State Museum.


Thanks for talking with us, Brenda! We’re happy to have you in the Emory EPI family.

#WeAreEmoryEPI: Meet Frad Barry!

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Farah sadly left the EPI department to join the Emory Global Health Institute; however, we happily welcomed a new Associate Director of Academic Programs (ADAP) just last month. Our ADAPs are the equivalent of academic advisors at most institutions, and they serve as a great point of contact for questions relating to the department, academic advising, classes, and so much more. Take the opportunity to meet our new ADAP, Frad Barry!

Tell us a little about your academic history/where you went to school.

I attended Mississippi State University (Hail STATE!). I obtained both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees from there. My Bachelor of Science degree is in Biological Sciences, and my master’s was in Health Promotion.


What were you doing before you came to Rollins?

I worked with Undergraduate Admissions for Emory, specifically Emory’s Oxford Campus. Before that, I also worked as a Residence Life Coordinator with the Oxford Campus.


Why did you want to become ADAP for the Epidemiology Department?

I wanted to become an ADAP because it allowed me to combine my work experiences with my educational background. I enjoy student development and being a part of their college journey. Student affairs work is so impactful, and sometimes it gets lost in college discussions.


What are you most excited about working with MPH students?

What excites me most is being able to help students! I get to develop these individual relationships and guide students in their academic journey.


What goals do you have when working with new students?

One goal that I have is to help students find their space within whatever community they want to be a part of, whether it be professionally or personally.


What is your favorite part of being at Emory?

My favorite part of being at Emory is the community, the network, and the supportive environment that Emory has. Relationship building is a key component of what I look for within my work environment, and Emory meets all of those needs.


What advice do you have for students?

I have two pieces of advice for students. The first is to be present and enjoy your life to its fullest. The second is to always advocate for your worth and passions.


What is one place in Atlanta that you would recommend people to visit?

There are a lot of fun things to do in Atlanta. High-Frequency Friday at the High Museum is a vibe! I’e recommend eating at The Nook, which is near Piedmont Park, and exploring Old Fourth Ward, too.


What are you currently reading/watching/listening to?

I’m currently watching a few shows, like HarlemHow to Get Away with Murder, and Top Chef. I’ve also been listening to a lot of Nick Hakim and Beyoncé’s Renaissance (on repeat). I’m always open to any podcast suggestions if anyone has any.


Thanks for talking with us, Frad! We’re happy to have you join the Emory EPI family.

#InsideAPE: Michaela Bonnett and the Emory Autism Center

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Meet Michaela Bonnett! She is a second-year MPH Candidate in Global Epidemiology with a research interest in developmental disabilities and delays in lower- and middle-income countries and underserved populations. Michaela takes us inside her APE to share her experience working with the Emory Autism Center.

Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school.

I got my Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

What are your primary research interests?

I am interested in developmental disabilities and delays, particularly autism. I especially want to focus on the detection and healthcare infrastructure associated with these concerns in low- and middle-income countries and underserved populations.

Tell us about your APE project.

I designed and conducted a brief study, which I submitted for IRB approval, focused on identifying sources of disparity in accessing and utilizing autism diagnostic and supportive services among children in Metro Atlanta. The study centered around a series of qualitative expert interviews with experienced daycare directors representing Atlanta’s diverse regions and population. My APE will culminate with a report of our findings that will be used as groundwork for more extensive future studies with the Emory Autism Center.

How did you find your APE project?

I conducted a series of informational interviews with Emory faculty, describing my research interests and goals. A very helpful professor put me in contact with the director of Emory Autism Center, and I worked together with him to design my APE from the ground up.

When did you start looking for an APE? When did you start working for your APE organization?

I started looking for my APE in December, at the end of my first semester. I started designing my APE with the Emory Autism Center in March of my second semester.

Are you pursuing/interested in any certificates? If so, was it difficult to meet your APE requirements?

I’m not pursuing a certificate; however, finding an APE that met my interests while meeting the global health requirement was challenging. I was lucky enough to discover that focusing on an underserved domestic population is also a way to meet the global health requirement that the EPI department has for GLEPI students.

What has the experience been like so far?

It has been great having hands-on research experience that has let me connect with the community. Still, I also get the unique experience of being a primary investigator on a study from start to finish. There have been frustrating moments, and I’ve had multiple setbacks, but I’ve also gained some really valuable mentors. Encompassing everything, the experience has been worth it!

Any advice for people looking for an APE?

It’s never too early to start looking but don’t panic if you don’t find something even after you’ve been looking for a while. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box if you want to do something really unique.

What are three fun facts you want people to know about you?
  1. I’ve lived on 3 continents, and I hope to get that number even higher.
  2. I love baking, especially desserts. I always make enough to share!
  3. I’m a Nebraskan, and I somehow miss the Midwest.

Thanks for sharing your APE experience with us, Michaela! Come back next week to see the next student who we feature!

#InsideAPE: Noah Mancuso and Coptic Hope Center for Infectious Diseases

Category : #WeAreEmoryEPI

Meet Noah Mancuso! Noah is a second-year student on track to obtain a Master of Science in Public Health in Global Epidemiology. His primary research interest is HIV treatment and prevention. For his APE, Noah is working with one of our faculty members in Kenya!

Tell us about your academic history/where you went to school.

I studied both Chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Global Health at Duke University as part of the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program.


What are your primary research interests?

I’m interested in studying infectious diseases, specifically HIV treatment and prevention.


Tell us about your APE project.

I am working with Dr. Michael Chung and the Treatment, Research, and Expert Education (TREE) Program at the Coptic Hope Center for Infectious Diseases in Nairobi, Kenya. We are looking at cervical cancer recurrence among a large cohort of women living with HIV. My job is to help inventory biospecimens in the lab, to link them to patient electronic medical records, and to create an epi database for analysis.


How did you find your APE project?

Dr. Chung was a guest judge at the Global Health Case Competition I competed in, and his feedback/knowledge was super helpful. I then saw him listed as a faculty member attending the Epi Interactions event that the department hosted, and I decided to ask him more about his work.


When did you start looking for an APE? When did you start working for your APE organization?

I started looking for my APE over winter break and into the spring semester. I did not secure it until March. I started working on my APE in Atlanta in May, and I arrived in Kenya in June.


Are you pursuing/interested in any certificates? If so, was it difficult to meet your APE requirements?

I am doing the infectious disease epidemiology certificate, which is available for people across different departments to do. Since I am working with women living with HIV, it was not difficult to meet the certificate APE requirements.


What has the experience been like so far?

The experience has been great so far! The transition to Nairobi was very easy. My colleagues have been very welcoming of me and easy to work with, and there has been lots to explore and discover.


Any advice for people looking for an APE?

Don’t be afraid to ask your professors AND classmates if they know of any opportunities or faculty working in your field of interest. And don’t stress if everyone else around you appears to have their APE already figured out. 🙂

If you’re interested in working internationally, I’d also highly recommend looking into the Global Field Experience (GFE) Financial Award early on in your APE search, so that you can be prepared to apply for funding.


How have you been spending your free time this summer? Anything interesting that you’re doing?

So far, I have been able to do a lot of hiking and camping around Kenya, which has been super cool! I also connected with the Jump Rope Association of Kenya and have been jumping with local teams at their practices and community performances around Nairobi.


What are three fun facts you want people to know about you?
  1. I am a professional jump rope athlete.
  2. I love to cook for friends.
  3. My cat, Penelope, is cuter than yours.


Thanks for talking with us, Noah! Tune in next week to see who we speak to next!

Upcoming Events

  • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Seminar February 6, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series; HTTPS://ZOOM.US/MY/EMILYNPETERSON Online Location: HTTPS://ZOOM.US/MY/EMILYNPETERSONEvent Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Biostatistics and Bioinformatics SeminarSpeaker: Håvard Rue, PhDContact Name: Mercedes LewisContact Email: mercedes.christina.lewis@emory.eduRoom Location: CNR_1000 Richard M. Levinson PhD ClassroomHåvard Rue, PhD, Distinguished Professor,King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)Seminar Title: Cross-validation for Dependent Data
  • GCDTR Seminar-Redefining Glucose Monitoring: AI-Powered Non-Invasive Innovations for Diabetes Management February 18, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture;… Online Location: Type: Guest LectureSeries: GCDTR SeminarsSpeaker: Maria Valero de Clemente, PhDContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: with Maria Valero De Clemente, PhD, Assistant Professor in the College of Computing and Software Engineering, Department of Information Technology at Kennesaw State University (KSU) and Director of IoT as Service Research Group
  • EGDRC Seminar - Access to Medicines: At Home and Around the World February 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Guest Lecture; Zoom Online Location: ZoomEvent Type: Guest LectureSeries: EGDRC Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Jeremy Schwartz, MD, FACPContact Name: Wendy GillContact Email: wggill@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R205Link: talk by Jeremy Schwartz, MD, FACP, Associate Professor, General Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine; Associate Professor, Chronic Disease Epidemiology, Yale School of Public Health; Firm Chief, SLA3, Yale New Haven Hospital

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