American Public Health Statistics 2021 Student Competition

American Public Health Statistics 2021 Student Competition

Opportunity Description 

The APHS Section is accepting abstract submissions for student research poster and oral presentation sessions. Students wishing to be considered for these sessions should submit online an abstract and a 2-page summary of their paper. In order to be eligible for the student competition you must be a student at the conference in October 2020 (those graduating in May/June 2020 are not eligible). When submitting your abstract, please submit it under the session “Student oral presentations” or “Student poster presentations”, even if it may be thematically related to other topics on the topic list.

Click here to learn more about the competition!


How to Enter & Additional Information

Students interested in competing in the student oral paper competition should contact Dr. Niloofar Ramezani (nramezan [at] gmu [dot] edu) Your two-page summary of the paper should be e-mailed to Dr. Niloofar Ramezani (nramezan [at] gmu [dot] edu) with a copy to Dr. Haresh Rochani (hrochani [at] georgiasouthern [dot] edu),  with a letter from a faculty member attesting to the author’s student status.

If a student abstract was submitted for oral presentation but is not accepted as an oral presentation, it will automatically be considered as a poster submission. All accepted student abstracts will be considered for the Student Research Competition. An award will be given for the Best Student Oral Presentation.

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