Course Offering: OAM 536 – Social Impact Management

Course Offering: OAM 536 – Social Impact Management

Emory University’s Goizueta Business School is offering a fall course with limited seats available for RSPH students.

If interested, students should complete the following survey:  Professors Goebel and Martin will review submissions and notify students of their acceptance to the course.

This course surveys the evolving role that social-purpose organizations, their leaders (both management and board of directors), and critical stakeholders play in delivering social and environmental impact. These purpose-driven organizations, which encompass and array of business models, include 1.97 million U.S. based nonprofits1 and 10 million global for-profit social enterprises2. Climate-smart companies, which will also be covered, are on the rise with 434 of the S&P 500 publicly committed to greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets3.

This course will analyze the evolving trends in this field through a blend of:
▪ Academic content (research studies, articles, and case examples)
▪ Emerging business models and frameworks
▪ Guest lectures from social-purpose and climate-smart organization leaders ▪ Team-based learning projects

We will also cover the role and importance of key actors in the social sector, including foundations / grant makers, charities, service providers, B corps, impact investors, government entities, and social enterprises.

Topics covered in the course include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Historic roots of the impact sector and emerging trends
  • Governance models, both traditional and hybrid
  • Tri-sector dynamics, including the roles of business and government
  • Collaborations and partnerships, including public / private
  • Systems thinking
  • Climate-smart business / management principles
  • Resource development and impact investment approaches ▪ Organization and management leading practices
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Whether you plan to work for an impact organization at some point in your career or aspire to serve on a board or make impact investments, this course will prepare you to apply your business acumen for social and environmental good.

The course is part of several Emory University Goizueta Business School’s concentration areas including Nonprofit Management, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), and Social Enterprise.

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