EH 720: Introduction to Physiologically-Based Toxicokinetic/Pharmacokinetic Modeling
Category : Academic Student Opportunities
There is still space available to register in EHS 720: Introduction to Physiologically-Based Toxicokinetic (PBTK)/Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling with Dr. Qiang Zhang!
The health effects of environmental or pharmaceutical chemicals depend on the concentrations of the xenobiotics and their metabolites in the target tissues. Understanding and predicting chemical internal concentrations (tissue dosimetry) requires a physiologically-based toxicokinetic (PBTK) or pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling approach. Based on human physiology and anatomy, PBTK/PBPK models mechanistically simulate the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination (ADME) processes that affect the fates of exogenous chemicals in the human body, producing, as model output, changes in chemical tissue concentrations over time. PBTK/PBPK modeling has be increasingly applied in chemical health risk assessment and drug development. Students will learn numerical simulation tools to model what the body does to the chemicals in this course. It targets:
- Environmental health science students interested in chemical tissue dosimetry, internal exposure, interpretation of biomarkers of exposures, in vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) of chemical dosimetry
- Pharmacology/toxicology students interested in quantitative simulation of tissue- specific drug dosimetry beyond classical, compartmental PK.
- Students and researchers in biosciences, nutritional science, anesthesiology, biomedical engineering, and chemical engineering interested in computational approaches to predicting tissue concentrations of environmental, industrial, dietary, and pharmaceutical chemicals.
See the flyer below for more information about this spring course!