TA Positions Available, GH/EPI 515: Transforming Public Health Surveillance

TA Positions Available, GH/EPI 515: Transforming Public Health Surveillance

Dr. Scott McNabb is looking to hire 1-2 TAs for GH/EPI 515. Below you will find the steps to apply, as well as the overall process and timeline. Please submit your application form and resume ASAP.

GH/EPI 515 TA:

Qualifications: Second year MPH/MSPH students may apply. The TA should have taken the course last year.
Duties: The TA is required to attend class sessions. The TA is responsible for helping to plan the schedule, coordinate materials for the course, respond to student questions, maintain aspects of the Canvas site, and assist with development and grading of homework problems, exams, and other assignments.

Next, click on the application form link to apply: 

  1. Application Form link
  2. You will need to attach your resume to the application form.   

  Notes and Reminders 

  1. All TA positions are approved for 8-10 hours a week and start and end on the dates below (except pre-term courses).  
  2. I highly recommend that you review the dates and times of lectures and classes to ensure they do not conflict with the classes you are taking, as you are expected to attend the lecture of the class you are TAing for. You can double-check dates and times by logging in to Atlas

Important Fall Dates:  

8/14 TA start date 

8/23 Classes begin 

8/30 Add/Drop/Swap closes 

9/4 Labor Day, no classes 

10/9-10/10 Fall Break, no classes 

11/23-11/24 Thanksgiving, no classes 

12/5  Last Day of Class and/or withdraw

12/6-12/12 Final Exam Period 

12/19 TA end date 

If you have any questions, please Dr. McNabb (scottjnmcnabb [at] emory [dot] edu) know!

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