Volunteer Opportunities, Emory University Urban Health Initiative

Volunteer Opportunities, Emory University Urban Health Initiative

The Emory University Urban Health Initiative aims to provide health disparities education and advocacy, build collaborative partnerships and develop best practice models with low-resourced communities and those who work with them to advance equity in health and well-being. The mission of the Emory University Urban Health Initiative is to understand, sustain, and improve the health and healthcare of diverse and underserved populations in Atlanta and surrounding areas through community partnership, interdisciplinary education, community-driven research, and evidence-based programs.

Emory UHI has the following two volunteer positions available:

  • Rolling Suitcase Drive Project Coordinator– Connect with any individual or organization that will collect rolling suitcases for those who receive services from the Atlanta Mission. Keep track of number of suitcases delivered through pictures and write a publishable article. This summer and fall we have several Macy’s department stores whose employee teams plan to collect suitcases.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator (May qualify for Applied Practice Hours) – Research factors that may impact program effectiveness. Work with each of the UHI teams to assist in development and monitoring of evaluation plans. Monitor and report progress of program objectives and goals. Develop evaluation reports and briefings. Develop and lead education sessions for project coordinators and their teams. Write a publishable article about monitoring and evaluating university projects.

The number of hours that volunteers may work is flexible. However, most volunteers like to work six to eight hours per week.

  • All volunteers will need to be CITI certified and complete the UHI Onboarding process as part of volunteer requirements.
  • If interested in either position, please contact Tracie McCargo, tracie [dot] curry [at] emory [dot] edu.

For more information about the Emory Urban Health Initiative, please visit http://urbanhealthinitiative.emory.edu/index.html

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