Category: Staff Bytes
Sofie and the Cicada
We are nearing the end of the “Brood II” swarm of 17-Year Cicadas, so-named because the flying insects literally spend 17 years underground before emerging for one month to breed, lay eggs, and die. Also called “swarmageddon,” this entomological phenomenon has sadly (or fortunately, depending on your bug-loving/hating persuasion) not had a major impact on…
Game Day Rewind
Each year the Call Center does Game Day Rewind. Since call volume does not allow more than three to four individuals to attend the UTS Game Day, the staff at the Call Center has to get creative to bring the year end celebration close to home. Our event mirrors that of the UTS Game Day…
Blue Roof, Green Roof, and Fire Ants
Remember when we took the LEED exam or when you started wondering how to keep the costs down in your house? You looked at “green roofs.” The photos usually had goats eating on the roof or you saw some Viking village. The photo in this article is a great example of an extensive green roof…
James Alston Honored
Who is the most physically fit person you know? It might be James Alston (Enterprise Applications), who was recently honored by the staff at Emory’s Blomeyer Health Fitness Center. Every year, Blomeyer hosts a 12-week “body transformation” competition, called FitTrip, in which they perform underwater hydrostatic weigh-ins of their competitors to achieve the most accurate…
Dawn Weaver’s Daughter Reaches Nationals In Public Speaking
Dawn Weaver‘s (Enterprise Services) daughter, Brittney, won fourth-place in the state-wide Professional Selling Event at the Diversified Education Community Association (DECA) State Career Development Conference held from February 28 to March 2. This placement qualified her to go to California to compete in nationals. She was the first Langston Hughes High School student to be…
Hero Shots and Kelly Bray: Ear Model
Marcomm has released the latest batch of “hero shots.” These photos are designed to showcase the talented people in OIT and the current rotation features Brett Anderson (IT Security), Felicia Bianchi (PMO), Kendra Bryant (R-WIT), Shannon O’Daniel (Academic Technology Services), Randy Phillips (Enterprise Services), Jocelyn Ramirez (R-WIT), Jorge Ramos (Enterprise Services), and John Wang…
Hulme is Blomeyer Member of the Month
Norman Hulme (Integration) was honored as the Blomeyer Health Fitness Center at Emory Member of the Month for June 2013. Recent OIT recipients of Member of the Month were Teresa Fleetwood (IT F&A) in June 2012 and Jennifer Stevenson (Enterprise Applications) in September 2012. As part of the honor of being Member of the Month,…