Tag: ServiceNow
ITSMO updates ServiceNow assessment tool
In the effort to constantly improve the ServiceNow user experience, ITSMO is excited to announce that old survey tool, used to measure customer satisfaction, has been replaced with an enhanced survey management tool. Built on an assessment engine which offers performance scorecards, robust comparative reporting, new ServiceNow menu options and more, the tool sends out a survey invitations…
ServiceNow gets usability facelift
As a basis for being Emory’s service management solution, ServiceNow needs to be able to provide complex information in the complex IT environment at Emory, but it still must be usable for everyday employees. As a member of the IT Service Management Office (ITSMO), one of Rose Harris’ ServiceNow goals this year was to improve the…
ServiceNow Receives its “Calgary” Upgrade This Weekend
On Saturday, January 11, at 5:00 a.m., ServiceNow will be upgraded to the Calgary release (CHG119698). Included with this release are official upgrades from ServiceNow, including bug fixes and enhancements to existing features and functionality. The upgrade is expected to take less than 30 minutes to implement and ServiceNow will be accessible to users during…
Atlanta SNUG Celebrates Second Anniversary
On Wednesday, December 4, the Atlanta ServiceNow User Group (SNUG) celebrated its 2-year anniversary with a holiday-themed party at Villa Christina in Atlanta. The event featured a DJ, heavy hors d’oeuvres, a photo booth, various vendor/sponsor tables, and a rousing Wheel of Fortune-style door prize game. Since being founded in 2011, Atlanta SNUG has grown from…
Report an Old IT or Library Logo
Any time a large organization undergoes a rebranding change, one of the extreme challenges is to find all occurences of the old logo. For example, there is still signage on campus for ITD, Netcom, and OIT. As such, Marcomm has created a tool in ServiceNow for collecting all instances of old library or IT logos:…
ServiceNow Announces New Self-Service Page
We are happy to announce the launch of the new ServiceNow Self-Service page. The new page is dramatically more user friendly and provides a seamless transition with other Emory branded websites. Our hope is that users who open tickets via the email listserv system, and end up missing much of the information provided by ServiceNow,…
Auto-Routing Blackboard Tickets to Tier-1
One of the benefits of having a talented University Service Desk is that administrative tasks that have been handled at Tier-2 in the past can now be resolved at Tier-1 (the front door) through proper training and a focus on knowledge-centered support (KCS). Previously, the Blackboard (Bb) team has always maintained a listserv where users…