Category Archives: RGC

Research Grants and Contracts

FY18 Federal Fringe Rates Effective 9/1/17

  Each year Emory negotiates new fringe rates with the federal government. We recently received approval of our FY18 federal fringe rates. The table below represents the university’s finalized fringe benefit rates for fiscal year 2018. Please use these rates for any new proposals. For proposals already routed, please be aware that the new fringe […]

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NIH Changes Process to Complete Relinquishments

NIH has changed the process to complete relinquishments. In the past, the PHS3734 form was completed noting an estimated amount of direct and indirect cost being relinquished. Upon obtaining all required signatures, the completed form was emailed or mailed to the noted sponsor contact. The process has changed. All forms are now populated and completed […]

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New Options for Electronic Submission of Carryover in eRA Commons

As of June 2017, carryover requests can be submitted electronically under the Prior Approval Module in Era Commons. The electronic submission method for Carryover requests is optional.  Expanded authorities covers automatic carryover of funds when permissible and does not require a written request for permission. Carryover requests are a financial function of the Post Award […]

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OSP, OTT and FGC Discuss Guidelines for Interactions with Sponsors

Joint Announcement from: Kerry Peluso and Holly Sommers, Office of Sponsored Programs Todd Sherer and Cale Lennon, Office of Technology Transfer Bill Lambert, Finance — Grants & Contracts Guidelines for Interaction with Sponsors Office of Sponsored Programs/Office of Technology Transfer The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) should always be […]

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Update on Status of Award Setups

Colleagues: As you are aware, in late January Finance Grants and Contracts (FGC) encountered a major issue in processing roughly 500 award setups that were in the que .  Given that typically a block of this size could take 2-3 months to set up in the system we quickly realized that would create a significant financial […]

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New Electronic Format for Relinquishment Submissions

Written by: Rashonda Harris Office of Finance Grants & Contracts Effective December 2016, NIH has changed the submission of relinquishments to an electronic format.  The new electronic format will limit revisions because the amounts being deobligated are moved much faster in this electronic format. NIH relinquishments must be reconciled confirming the expenses posted to the […]

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Effort Reporting Update

Written by: Josh Rosenberg The current “active” period for effort certification is the Mar. 1 – Aug. 31, 2016 period.  The due date for completing these forms was Nov. 30, 2016.  We still have several hundred effort forms pending pre-review and pending certification which must be completed as soon as possible.  If there is an […]

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FY17 Federal Fringe Rates Available Now!

We have received approval for our FY17 federal fringe rates from DHHS.  The table below represents the university’s finalized fringe benefit rates for fiscal year 2017. For any proposals already created and in routing, if prepared with the old rate, the proposal may be submitted with old rate if the deadline is approaching. Departments, schools, […]

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FY15 A-133 Audit in the books!

We recently completed our FY15 A-133 Audit covering the major programs of Research & Development (R&D) and Student Financial Aid. We received an unmodified opinion with no findings, material weaknesses, or significant deficiencies in internal controls; this is terrific news, and I want to thank everyone who played a part in helping us complete this […]

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The Division of Finance Welcomes Bill Lambert as its new Assistant Vice President

On January 13, 1026, the Division of Finance announced William (Bill) Lambert as the new Assistant Vice President for the Finance: Grants and Contracts (FGC) department (Formerly, the Office of Grants and Contracts, OGCA) . Bill assumed his new responsibilities in FGC on February 1, 2016.   Bill has 25 years of experience with Emory, most […]

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