Student View buttons are labeled with words. File links get download icons. The HTML editor displays pretty code. Canvas renders delimited LaTeX equations. Teachers may enter override grades using CSV.
Release Notes

Canvas Release Highlights for January 2021
The New RCE replaces the classic RCE in all courses. Notifications types that do not come via mobile app push are grayed out. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday of each month.

Canvas Release Highlights for December 2020
Teachers see a new Student View button on most pages. Teachers can search for content when inserting course links. New file links direct users to preview pages instead of starting downloads.

Canvas Highlights for November 18 and 21, 2020
New features are coming to the New RCE (Rich Content Editor): the sidebar stays open and has a search bar for existing course files.

Canvas Deploy Highlights for October 21, 2020
Teachers can create groups by importing a CSV file. Teachers and students can open the New Rich Content Editor to the full size of their browser window; they can also insert embed code more easily.

Canvas Release Highlights for October 17, 2020
All users can access a new History menu, an updated global Notification preferences page, and manipulate math equations more easily. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday of each month.

Canvas Release Highlights for September 19, 2020
After the September 19, 2020 release, teachers can download spreadsheets from New Analytics. Canvas releases updates the third Saturday of each month.

Canvas Deploy Highlights for August 26, 2020
The New RCE toolbar has a Studio button and shows recently used tools under the Apps button. Teachers can share modules directly. The New RCE no longer sets inline YouTube playback automatically.

Canvas Release Highlights for August 15, 2020
After the August 15, 2020 release, teachers can delete multiple pages at once. Canvas releases updates the third Saturday of each month.

Canvas Release Highlights for July 18, 2020
Teachers can limit assignment submissions, drag & drop multiple files into empty modules, and use Respondus LockDown Browser with New Quizzes. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday of each month.

Canvas Release Highlights for June 20, 2020
Students and teachers can customize most notification preferences in each course. Teachers can edit multiple assignment dates. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday of each month.

Canvas Release May 16, 2020 + New RCE is Here
The New Rich Content Editor (New RCE) feature is active in Summer 2020 and Fall 2020 courses and replaces the classic editor on July 18. Teachers can now publish courses from the dashboard.