The Canvas Rich Content Editor gets a Find and Replace tool. Canvas Studio’s user interface has been updated. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday each month.
canvas studio

Canvas Release Highlights for February 2024
Canvas Studio offers a new screen capture option. New Quizzes migrates classic practice quizzes as zero-point assignments, includes more details in its item analysis report, and can export item analyses.

Canvas Release Highlights for January 2024
New Quizzes Item Analysis includes categorization, matching, ordering, hot spot & formula questions. Canvas Studio Video Quiz reports are improved. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday each month.

What’s New in Canvas for Fall 2023
Here are some interesting new Canvas features from the past 12 months. They fall into three areas: creating content in Modules & Pages, using the Gradebook, and using Canvas Studio.

Canvas Release Highlights for May 2023
Teachers can specify display size for embedded Canvas Studio videos. Studio saves caption edits automatically. Canvas releases arrive on the third Saturday each month.

Canvas Release Highlights for April 2023
All users can download transcripts for captioned Studio media. Teachers can grade New Quizzes one question at a time, set Studio playback start time, and share NQ item banks and sort grades in new ways.

Canvas Release Highlights for March 2023
Canvas Studio’s caption editing interface features several improvements. Canvas Gradebook has a new feature allowing teachers and TAs to upload files as assignment submissions on behalf of students.

Canvas Release Highlights for April 2022
Teachers can see new analytics details in Canvas Studio, change times in Assignment Bulk Editor, apply scores to ungraded submissions for multiple assignments, make icons, and add emojis in SpeedGrader comments.

Canvas Studio (on-demand)
Create, host, and organize all of your instructional videos in your own Studio media library without the worry of exceeding your course’s 2GB file storage limit. Learn how to deliver engaging and impactful learning experiences in Studio by presenting video content that increases student engagement.

Student Presentations in Remote Learning Environments
Remote teaching introduces new logistics to consider for student presentations. Options for synchronous and asynchronous presentations bring opportunities to explore different formats.

Canvas Studio creates a Pathway for QTM Students and Quantitative Professionals
The department of Quantitative Theory and Methods (QTM) used the Academic Production Studio to record interviews in collaboration with Teaching & Learning Technologies in Fall 2019. These videos were then added to Canvas using the Canvas Studio tool for QTM students to view for professional development.

What’s New in Canvas for Fall 2019
Teaching & Learning Technologies has been hard at work this summer to add and enable new functionality to make Canvas…