Kelly Lin

A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains 千里江山

我选这幅画的名字是千里江山。 这幅画表现中国山河的美丽。王希孟虽然没有用很亮的然颜,但是他把河流和山用蓝色和土色表现得很好。 背景是金色、土色和暗绿色,表现了中国的强大 。在这幅画的上半部他用比较黑暗的颜色表现邪恶。


当大家一看这幅画,只注意到这幅画的风景和美丽,可是这幅画有更深的意思。在宋朝的时候,皇帝不太管国家的事,所以老百姓有一些抱怨。王希孟想表现他内心对国家的希望。我看了这幅画以后很感动。我从小学画,可是只学过人物画。我觉得山水画很有深度, 我希望将来有机会可以学山水画。

This painting is called A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains. The painting shows the beauty of the three rivers of China. Although the painting is not very bright, Wang Ximeng paints the rivers and mountains with blue and earthy colors. The background is gold, earth tones, and dark green, signifying China’s strength. The top of the painting has a semi-dark color, indicating a looming evil.

Wang Ximeng is a famous Song Dynasty painter. He is very good at painting Sanshui works. He was eighteen years old when he painted this work, and this piece is the only art work passed down. He died very young. I chose the painting because I have never been to China, but I am very interested in Chinese culture. I like the stuff of ancient China. If you look carefully, you can see the vivid landscape, trees, houses, and people.

Upon seeing this painting, individuals only see the scenery, but this picture has deeper meaning. In the Song Dynasty, the emperor did not care too much for his country, leading to many complaints among the people. Wang Ximeng want to express the hope of his heart. I was very moved by this painting. I painted figure paintings at a younger age. I think the Sanshui drawings are very deep, and I hope that I can learn Sanshui painting.


Jee E. Suk

“洞天山堂”(Taoist Temple in the Mountains)

这幅画是东元的“洞天山堂”。这幅画有山脉、树木、岩石、桥梁和寺庙。山脉、树木、岩石都被云彩环绕。在桥梁上有三位先生。 他们似乎享受着潺潺流的声音。这幅画有两种颜色,黑色和白色。黑白的色彩给人们很深的印象。



This painting is “Taoist temple in the mountains”. This painting has mountains, trees, rocks, bridge and temple. All of mountains, trees and rocks are covered by clouds. There are three gentlemen standing on a bridge. They are seem to enjoy the sound of the murmuring stream.

Tung Yuan is a famous landscape painter of the Southern T’ang. Tung Yuan’s major contribution was the final perfection of the modelling brushstroke, which is basic to Chinese landscape painting. He was a principal innovator of hemp fiber brush stroke. This technique gives third dimensional effects in the treatment of rocks.

I chose “Taoist temple in the mountains” because fogs around the peaks is particularly interesting. Some of trees are barely revealing their tops above the floating clouds. This painting conveys a sense of peacefulness.

Yun Kyung Ji

这张画中有一只小鸟站在树枝上。这树枝上有一些绿色的叶子,还有一些花尖上的分支, 看起来像是它们刚刚开花。 中间的鸟吸引了我。黄头,雪白的脖子,红色的胸部和黑色的尾巴,让这张画非常美丽也很丰富多彩。 黑色的尾巴是非常详细的,尾部有几个不同的花纹。 这幅画的左下角是另一个树枝,它似乎很遥远,因为它是比较小的。

这张画画于宋代, 艺术家是趙佶。他1082年出生,1135年死了。他是宋代最有名的皇帝之一。他是一位诗人、画家和音乐家。他画了超过六千幅作品。因为鸟和花吸引我的目光,我选择了这幅画。鸟,花和蝴蝶的微小细节都很可爱。

在春天时,当天气终于开始变得温暖,阳光照下来,风吹。 粉红色的花朵开始绽放,鸟儿开始唧唧, 蝴蝶开始四处飞。 只是在想这些就会让我微笑,并希望春天很快到来。 如果我在这幅画中,我会在背景中仰望天空,感受自然。

The painting has a small bird that stands on a tree branch. This tree branch also has several green leaves in addition to several flowers on the tip of the branches. The flowers seem like they just recently blossomed. The bird in the middle caught my attention. The yellow head and the white neck, red chest, and the black tail make the whole painting seem very beautiful and colorful. The black tail is very detailed; the tail has several patterns. The tree in the bottom left of the painting seems far away because it is relatively small.

The painting is from the Song Dynasty, and the artist is Zhao Ji. He was born in 1082 and died in 1135. He was the eighth and one of the most famous emperors of the Song Dynasty. He was a skilled poet, painter, and musician. He painted more than 6000 paintings. I chose this painting because the bird and the flowers are caught my eyes. The tiny details of the bird, the flower, and the butterflies are all so cute.

In the springtime, when the weather finally starts to get warm, the sunlight comes down and winds blow. Pink flowers start to blossom, birds start to chirp, and butterflies start to fly around. Just thinking about this makes me smile and want spring to come quickly. If I were in this painting, I would be in the background gazing up at the sky to feel the nature.

Bridget Eklund

馬远 的幅画:学者的瀑布

这张幅画又好看又有意思。这张幅画有一棵树,一个瀑布, 一座山。 在这幅画的下,有两个人;一位老师和他的学生。老师坐在公园,看看美丽的瀑布。他的意念很深。这张幅画有咖啡色、蓝色和绿色。不但漂亮,而且高质量。

这张幅画是南宋朝的, 画家是馬远。他真的是好画家,特别是他的山水画。他在杭州出生,他的家人都是画家。我选了这张幅画因为我最喜欢大自然。我觉得这张幅画让你接近大自然, 同时我也喜欢看瀑布和山。

我喜欢坐在公园里。 环境不会很热闹,很舒服, 一点儿风。空气很新鲜,没有污染。看起来这位老师是轻松轻松的。要是我在这张画里,我最喜欢在老师的旁边坐着, 一起看看这个瀑布。我会想安静得不得了,成为大自然的一部分。总之, 我爱这张幅画;很有意思,很美丽。

This painting is very good to look at and interesting. In the painting is a tree, waterfall and mountain. Two people are in the painting, a teacher and his student. The teacher sits in the park and looks at the beautiful waterfall. His thoughts are deep. This painting is brown, blue and green. It is not only beautiful, but also high quality.

This painting is by the Southern Song Dynasty painter Ma Yuan. His paintings are really good, especially his landscapes. He was born in Hangzhou and his family is all artists. Ma Yuan was the favorite painter of Emperor Guangzong. I chose this picture because I like nature. I think this picture looks real, you think you are close to nature. I also like to look at waterfalls and mountains.

I would like to sit in the park. It looks like the teacher is extremely calm. The environment is not busy, but very comfortable, with a little wind. There is very fresh air, and no pollution. If I was in this painting, I would like to sit next to the teacher and look at the waterfall. I would be extremely quiet and peaceful, and become part of nature. In general, I love this picture; it is very interesting and very beautiful.

Danielle Berkowsky

千里江山图 (A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains)

千里江山图是一幅很有名的中国山水画。 画里有山有水。画是绿色、蓝色、黑色和黄色。因为千里江山图是大得不得了的,所以很难看到画里的小东西。比如,画中有很多的树和人。还有房子和几只船。这个画表现了古代中国的生活。


我看这张画的时候,我觉得中国宋朝以来变化得很多。我希望今天的山水跟这个山水一样,可是现在有很多的污染。拿北京来说吧,有一个污染危机。中国脏是脏,但是漂亮得很。千里江山图叫我想起我住在中国的时候。这张画看起来很安静,很放松, 让我想去中国看山水。我知道这张画大得不得了,可是我还想亲眼看看千里江山图。

“A Thousand Li of River and Mountains” is a very famous Chinese landscape painting. It has mountains and water. This painting is green, blue, black, and yellow. Because “A Thousand Li of River and Mountains” is extremely big, it is hard to see the small things in the painting. For example, the painting has many trees and people. It also has houses and some boats. This painting shows ancient Chinese society.

Wang Ximeng painted “A Thousand Li of River and Mountains.” In 1096, he was born. He was the most famous painter of the Song Dynasty. Emperor Huizong taught Wang Ximeng. In 1119, he died. He was 23 years old.

When I see this painting, I think about how China has changed a lot since the Song Dynasty. I wish today’s scenery and this landscape were the same, but today there is a lot of pollution. For example, Beijing has a very big pollution crisis. But although China is polluted, it is very beautiful. “A Thousand Li of River and Mountains” makes me remember when I used to live in China. This painting appears very quiet and very relaxing, and it makes me want to go to China. I know this painting is extremely big but I want to see it with my own eyes.