Category Archives: Uncategorized

Swiss Spaghetti Harvest

I’ve decided to make my podcast on one of BBC’s most famous April fool’s hoaxes of  all time: The 1957 Swiss Spaghetti Harvest. In this hoax, BBC successfully fooled the nation in releasing footage of Swiss peasants pulling strands of spaghetti down from trees after … Continue reading

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Haunted Dobbs

For my hoax, I want to tell a fictitious story about Dobbs Hall being haunted. This topic will be well-suited for this medium because I can create many fictional sound effects and sound bytes that will appear to be real. I … Continue reading

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I am deciding to do my podcast on the “Publius Enigma”- an internet phenomenon which suggests that Pink Floyd, one of the most successful bands of the 1960s and 70s had suggested encoded scavenger hunt for a “unique prize” in the … Continue reading

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Bells, Taco and Liberty Alike

For my podcast I have decided to talk about Taco Bell’s hoax to buy the Liberty Bell and rename it the Taco Liberty Bell. I plan on exploring this topic and the different public reactions. Starting off with reading the … Continue reading

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Aliens in Area 51?

My podcast will be about the mysteries surrounding Area 51 in regards to aliens and extraterrestrial life. I’m not sure if I’m going to attempt a humorous and satirical podcast or a serious newscast type of podcast yet.  I plan … Continue reading

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Y2K Hoax Podcast

For our second assignment I’ve decided to discuss the effects of the Y2K hoax and how it successfully many going into the 21st century. I’ve decided to keep a very laid back and informal tone, similar to that in the … Continue reading

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Jimmy’s World- Podcast Idea

I would like to make my podcast about an article called “Jimmy’s World” from the Washington Post.   The article was about a young kid named Jimmy with a drug addiction, and the author won a pulitzer prize for the article, … Continue reading

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Hoax Podcast

The Hoax that I have chosen to create a podcast on is “The Hundred-Million-Dollar Robbery of the U.S Treasury”. It was an April Fools hoax, set in 1905 where newspapers published a fabricated story of a crime that had taken … Continue reading

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Next Gen. Pet

I would like to do my podcast on Genpets. People are still confounded by them and are not entirely sure whether to believe them or not. Through a podcast, not only would I be able to include my persuasive tone … Continue reading

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26 Day Marathon?!

My podcast will be based on the 1981 26-day marathon hoax. Kimo Nakajimi, a Japanese long distance runner, misinterpreted the directions as running for 26 days rather than 26 miles. The director knew very little Japanese, so his translation had … Continue reading

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