Category: Update from Leadership
Rich Mendola and his leadership team answer LITS questions on the impacts of COVID-19
Rich Mendola held a town hall this week in which he discussed the impact that the Coronavirus crisis is having on Emory and LITS. Held via Zoom, the virtual chat session also included the members of Rich’s leadership team (John Connerat, Yolanda Cooper, John Ellis, Joanna Green, Wayne Morse, Marc Overcash, Brad Sanford, and Steve…
ECDS adjusts to COVID-19
Everyone is dealing with a tremendous amount of change in their work life as well as in their personal lives and we hope everyone is successfully making their way through these crazy times. In ECDS, we have had to make some adjustments, even though a good portion of our work can be done remotely and…
LITS COVID-19 communication and resources
Over the past several weeks, Emory has taken unprecedented measures to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff during the COVID-19 outbreak. In support of this effort, employees across LITS have worked tirelessly to enable Emory’s transition to online learning and to continue vital services as we shift to a…
LITS Significant Contribution Awards due by the end of March
Nominations are currently being sought for 2019/20 LITS Significant Contribution Awards (SCAs). This is our annual opportunity to recognize our most significant contributions toward LITS objectives and Emory’s mission. Therefore, please consider nominating a team member that you believe has made such a contribution. As a reminder, please note the following regarding the SCA program: Timing:…
Cooper announces organizational changes in Emory Libraries
As mentioned in our last All Staff meeting on January 28, 2020, the Libraries are implementing a number of changes in the organization to enhance efficiency and transparency, and to align titles across the organization where possible, with our peers at other institutions, and with the university’s organizational structure. Please note the following: We will…
Yolanda Cooper promoted to dean and university librarian for Emory
[reprinted from the Emory Report] Yolanda Cooper has been promoted to dean and university librarian for Emory University, effective July 1. Cooper has served as Emory’s university librarian since 2014. “Yolanda’s leadership and vision have been essential to advancing Emory’s academic eminence,” says Dwight A. McBride, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs. “She…
Protecting Your Data
It is our responsibility at Emory to be aware of the security threats to our IT environment and to take reasonable and appropriate steps to protect against these threats. As Emory’s Chief Information Security Officer, I would like to share with you an overview of the importance of protecting your data and your access to…