OnCore Training and SharePoint Updates

As part of Emory Healthcare transitioning to the Epic electronic medical record and billing system, the University will be concurrently implementing the OnCore Clinical Trials Management System (CTMS) to provide a seamless connection for clinical research across the enterprise.

OnCore is a cloud-based CTMS designed to simplify the management of clinical research and integration of multiple functions including protocol administration, participant tracking, budgeting, and sponsor invoicing. This new system will replace Emory Research Management System (ERMS) and is for anyone involved with clinical research including those who work with research protocols, participants, or have financial management responsibilities for clinical research studies.

OnCore will provide optimization and standardization of clinical research and will help teams manage their studies efficiently and effectively. OnCore is designed to “speak” to other systems across the university and will 1) reduce redundancy, 2) enhance patient safety and research billing compliance, and 3) provide real-time data and reporting metrics.

OnCore is scheduled to launch in the Fall of 2022 together with Epic. Training will open for registration this month for OnCore subject matter experts (SMEs). The SME will attend informational sessions to learn the steps required for study and subject management.

Note: Both Epic and OnCore will utilize staff to assist with training. For OnCore, SMEs will be trained first who will then train their current staff before go-live.  Staff hired after go-live must register and complete training with the Office for Clinical Research (OCR) Education & QI team to receive access to OnCore.  To volunteer to be an OnCore SME, sign up via the OnCore SME Survey.  

The next OnCore Town Hall meeting is scheduled for July 13th from 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET. Please visit the OnCore SharePoint Site for more information.

SharePoint Site Access 

When accessing SharePoint sites, you may be prompted to sign in. See the diagram below.  For additional support, please contact oncore@emory.edu.


Disclaimer:  The Emory Enterprise instance of OnCore is currently in development. Until implementation is complete, there will continue to be technical details and operational decisions that may change the information provided. Thank you for your understanding. Please visit https://emory.sharepoint.com/sites/OnCore/ for the most current announcements. 

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