Category Archives: OSP

Effort Reporting System Upgraded to Version 9.0

The Effort Reporting System has been upgraded to version 9.0.  The look is slightly different but most of the features and functionality remain the same.  The home screen now has the option to search for effort forms by account (Smartkey).  See screen shots below:                   The Search […]

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PI Approvals in EPEX Help: Can you see your Proposal?

Do you have a PI who needs to route a Grant?  Can your PI see Grants in EPEX? Do you have a person who needs to approve a proposal for the department or school?  Are they appearing in the workflow and can they be inserted into the workflow as an approver? If any of these […]

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Receiving an Unauthorized Message During Grant Certifications?

Are you a certifier on a grant/proposal who receives an error or unauthorized message when you attempt to log in and certify?  This may mean that you do not have EPEX/Grants access to certify Grants. To become a certifier, please send a message to requesting access. A member of PSGrants grant will complete your […]

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Important Changes in OSP Contract Administration

As many of you know, Nikki Simmons, Director for Contracts in OSP, is leaving Emory to relocate with her family to another state.  For this reason, I have been working closely with Kerry Peluso and Todd Sherer over the past few weeks to consider potential changes in the structure for managing industry contracts.  Given the […]

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Uniform Guidance: Resources Available

We are still waiting on further guidance from the federal agencies regarding the full implementation of Uniform Guidance.  As we wait for further guidance, we have provided the most recent guidance on changes in several resources. The Emory Proposal Guide can be accessed at Emory Quick Guide for Proposal Budget Preparation. The Researcher’s Guide provides a quick […]

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Negotiated Rate Agreement FY16 through FY19

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS who is Emory’s cognizant agency) has just approved a four-year extension of current F&A rates for Emory University and Yerkes National Primate Center. The current rates will remain in effect through August 31st, 2019. The rates are a result of a detailed analysis of sponsored project costs […]

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Uniform Guidance: Emory’s Administrative Guide and Researcher’s Quick Guide Are Now Available

The Uniform Guidance Planning Committees are pleased to release two new guidance documents, the Administrative Guide for Uniform Guidance and the Researcher’s Guide.   Emory’s Administrative Guide for Uniform Guidance provides an overview of the key changes resulting from the implementation of Uniform Guidance and how our processes/requirements have changed. As covered in the document, […]

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Research Administrator Automatic Training Registration Implemented May 2015

The Office of Sponsored Programs and Office of Grant & Contract Accounting are excited to announce a new on-boarding initiative for research administrators. The goal of this initiative is to identify all new hires with research administrator related responsibilities and to register them for the appropriate training for their job classification as soon as possible. […]

Also posted in Announcements, ORA, RGC, Training | Comments closed

Exchange Rates on Awards from Foreign Entities

All sponsored awards contain terms and conditions that researchers must follow; it is extremely important that everyone engaged in the administration of an award read all of the terms and conditions associated with its administration.  For awards received from foreign entities, it is critical that administrators review the exchange rate requirements associated with preparing invoices […]

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Did You Know?!

Did you read the fine print?  Did you pay attention to everything you are agreeing to?  When one receives a federal award there are strings attached.  You are agreeing to a large number of certifications required by your funding agency.  For example- did you know that your NIH grant includes requirements on issues as varied […]

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