Did You Know?!

Did you read the fine print?  Did you pay attention to everything you are agreeing to?  When one receives a federal award there are strings attached.  You are agreeing to a large number of certifications required by your funding agency.  For example- did you know that your NIH grant includes requirements on issues as varied as acknowledging federal funding when issuing statements, press releases, requests for proposals, bid invitations and other documents describing projects or programs funded with federal money? Did you know that your NIH grant includes requirements on using US flag carriers for foreign travel paid for with federal money?  Did you know that your NIH grant includes prohibitions on advocating or promoting gun control, and restrictions on lobbying?  You can download a copy of NIH Grants Policy Statement here: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/nihgps/index.htm.  Know what you are agreeing to – review the list contained in the NIH Grants Policy Statement!

John Lawley, Associate Director
Office of Reseach Compliance

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