The Society for Italian Historical Studies (SIHS) has awarded the 2020 Marraro Prize for the best book in Italian history to Prof. Sharon Strocchia’s Forgotten Healers: Women and the Pursuit of Health in Late Renaissance Italy (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019). The prize committee offered the following appreciation of Prof. Strocchia’s work:
“Drawing on extensive work in Florentine archives, Strocchia develops a sophisticated and incisive investigation of the manifold roles women played as protagonists in Renaissance health practices. Her case studies illuminate the contributions of convent pharmacies and pharmacists, of aristocratic women who prepared and employed household remedies, and of the poor young women who worked as nurses in the pox hospital. More suggestive than conclusive, this pioneering work opens up inviting pathways for further investigation.”
Read our Q&A with Dr. Strocchia about Forgotten Healers from earlier this year: “New Books Series: Q & A with Sharon T. Strocchia about ‘Forgotten Healers.’”