Congratulations to Dr. Sharon T. Strocchia, Professor of History, whose co-edited volume Gender, Health and Healing 1250-1550 (Amsterdam, 2020) has won the 2020 Collaborative Project Award from the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women and Gender. Strocchia edited the volume with Dr. Sara Ritchey, Associate Professor in the history department at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. Read more about the innovative volume in the prize citation below:
The awards committee stated that the book is exciting in conception and breadth, using “an integrative, hybrid model of analysis” that ranges far beyond “the narrow terrain of academic, text-based medicine” using new types of evidence about women’s “acts of caring and curing.” In eleven tightly argued and evidentially rich essays on engaging topics (including Ottoman healing baths, Caterina Sforza’s famous Ricettaria, and the care of the breast, among others) contributors manage to fulfill the promise of the Introduction: “to reimagine the lived experience of healthcare beyond the limited sphere of scholastic or theoretical medicine,” using non-traditional materials drawn from Christian and Islamic worlds to provide “a more nuanced picture of what people actually did to sustain or recover good health and the ways in which they understood their own bodies.”