Anderson Analyzes White Supremacist Roots of Trump-Incited Insurrection at U.S. Capitol for NBC News

In a recent article for NBC News, Dr. Carol Anderson analyzed the role of white supremacy in ex-president Donald Trump’s political career and the insurrection he incited at the United States capitol on January 6. Anderson is an expert on public policy, particularly the ways that domestic and international policies intersect through the issues of race, justice, and equality in the United States. Read an excerpt from the NBC News piece below along with the full article: “The Trump-fueled riot shocked America. To some, it was a long time coming.”

“‘This situation, in this moment, for me feels something like the mythical Cassandra,’ said Carol Anderson, author of the book ‘White Rage.’ Anderson was referring to the character in Greek myth cursed with the gift of accurate prophecy that is not believed.

‘”I and many others, we have been hollering Trump is a racist,’ she said. ‘Trump is a dangerous racist who stokes and speaks to those impulses in his most ardent followers. This isn’t economic anxiety that he appeals to, that he speaks to in his voters. It’s white supremacy. And, until this nation really deals with white supremacy and how dangerous we ought to know that it is, there will be another demagogue who eventually rises in his place.'”