Anderson Analyzes Voter Suppression, Past and Present, in the ‘AJC’

Dr. Carol Anderson was quoted in an Atlanta Journal-Constitution article about the parallels between GA’s recently-passed election law and statutes that prevented Black voters from casting ballots in the Jim Crow era. Anderson is Charles Howard Candler Professor of African American Studies, Department Chair, and Associated Faculty in the History Department. Her most recent book is One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression Is Destroying Our Democracy (Bloomsbury, 2018). Read an excerpt from the AJC piece below along with the full article, “Calls of ‘Jim Crow’ spark debate about Georgia election law.”

“The rationale for poll taxes and other voting restrictions in Mississippi’s 1890 constitution — a model for other Southern states, including Georgia — was to restore election integrity, said Carol Anderson, chair of African American studies at Emory University. But Mississippi’s governor admitted the real reason was to eliminate Black people from politics, she said.”