Ryan Gorman

The Colors of Mount Taihang



太行山在山西省,河南省和河北省交界处。对我来说,这张画很有意思,画上有很多山。这张画很长,差不多一张桌子的那么长。 这些山又大又险峻。看得出来,爬这些山很危险。但是没想到在这座山和那座山之间有一个小村。虽然山看起来又大又危险,但小村又安全又安静。



After surfing the Internet, I found a beautiful Chinese painting. This painting is called “The Colors of Mount Taihang.” During the Qing Dynasty, China had many famous painters. Many painters often painted “Mountain Water” paintings. Take Wang Hui for example, he often painted many large mountains, many beautiful rivers. In 1669, Wang Hui painted “The Colors of Mount Taihang.”

The Taihang Mountains are in the Shanxi, Henan and Hebei provinces. As far as I’m concerned, this painting is very interesting, having many mountains. This painting is very long, about as long as a table. Many of the mountains are large and steep. You can see that climbing the mountains would be very dangerous. But, I wouldn’t expect to see between the mountains a small village. Although it looks like the mountains are large and steep, the village looks quiet and peaceful.

This is why I like this painting by Wang Hui so much. This painting gave a very deep impression on me. In addition to danger and peace, there are many opposites in our lives. For example quiet and loudness, ease and difficulty. If today you are sad, tomorrow you may be happy. I think that Wang Hui understood this.

Soomin Kang



This beautiful piece of classical Chinese landscape painting is by Shen Hengji. In this painting, I see a small boat floating in the water, with two people on the boat. Behind the river are mountains, which are very high and very detailed. On the other side of the river there is a cliff, and on the cliff is a pine tree. The primary colors used in this painting are green, gray, and brown, which are all colors of nature.

Shen Hengji’s poetry and paintings gained fame in Wuzhong City, and thus, he came to be   acknowledged as “the pioneer of Wu School”. I chose this picture by Shen Hengji because I like the   peaceful and relaxed atmosphere of this picture. I feel that the painter, Shen, places great importance on the harmony between nature and human. I think many modern people, including myself, frequently forget the beauty of nature, but this piece of classical Chinese painting makes me want to experience the freedom in nature. I can imagine: I am the only one on the wide river, and surrounding me are the deep water, many trees, and green mountains. All I can hear is the sound of the wind. My worries and stress disappears within the thin mist.

Mijin Kim



我选择了叫《千里河山》的绘画。这幅画是最有名的古典中国画之一。这幅画很长, 有36英尺长。这幅画描绘了山河的雄伟景色,特别是山区的无数山峰。这画画也描绘了在河旁边的村庄和山间高崖的飞瀑。并且这幅画也描绘了天空中的风和通向庙宇的路。画家在画里用了蓝、绿和金色。




I chose the painting called “A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains.” The painting is the most famous classical Chinese painting. The painting is very long. It is 36 feet long. The painting depicts the majestic views of mountains and rivers, especially the villages on the side of the river and the mountain cliff waterfalls. The painting also depicts the wind in the sky and pathway leading to the temple. The painter uses blue, green, golden colors.

Wang Ximeng is one of the most famous Chinese painters in Song Dynasty. In 1113, he painted thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, when he was eighteen years old. I chose “A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains” because Wang Ximeng’s paintings left me with the deepest impression. I love beautiful scenery that he depicted in the painting. If I am at the place in the painting, I would like to take many pictures.

At first glance, the painting just depicts beautiful landscapes of China. Wang Ximeng depicts China as a prosperous and powerful country. His use of gold color emphasizes wealth and royalty. However, taking into account the historical background of the painting, the painting is actually a lament former glory of China. Therefore, Wang Ximeng’s painting gave me the feeling of both beauty and lament.


JooYoung Jo

jo这幅画是溪山清遠。这幅画给我很深的印象。我觉得西洋的艺术和东洋的艺术非常不同,画的纸和颜料也不同。 可是我觉得很重要的差异是东洋和西洋的环境。中国的山水画像中国的环境。我看很多中国风景的照片。 我觉得这个画很像中国美丽的风景。

这幅绘画是夏珪的画。 他是宋朝的人。大家都不知道关于他的人生, 可是他是很有名的画家。 这个绘画是黑白画。画面有山又有水。画有人们的生活。你可以看到古建筑和船。在石头山有树林。画的笔触很纤细。看起来,这幅画里的人们生活很安静。

这幅画有很多空的空间。 我觉得对东洋画来说,空间之美很重要。 美国的山水没有很多空间。很多人也喜欢五颜六色的画。 我觉得这幅画更美丽,因为画家用黑色和白色。他画深度在画面里,现代的画家也用这样的方法。我觉得他太棒了。如果我去画面的地方, 我会爬山和拍很多照片。

This painting is called the “Pure and Remote View of Streams and Mountains’. It left a deep impression on me. I think that Western and Eastern art is very different. The paper and pigments are very different. However, I think the biggest difference is in the environment of the East and the West. China’s landscape paintings resemble its environment. I have seen many pictures of China’s landscape. I think the painting looks a lot like China’s beautiful landscape.

The painting is by a painter named Xia Gui. He is from the Song Dynasty. No one knows much about his life, but he is a very famous painter. The painting is in black and white. In the picture, there are mountains and water. It also has the life of the people. You can see the old architecture and ships. The stone mountains have forests. The brush strokes of the painting are very delicate. You can tell from the painting that the lives of the people are very peaceful.

The painting has a lot of empty space in it. I think for Eastern paintings, the art of space is very important. America’s landscape paintings do not leave a lot of space. Many people like colorful paintings. I think that the painting is even more beautiful because the painter used blacks and whites. He depicted depth in the picture with techniques that artists today also use. I think that he is really awesome.