Author Archives: Emma Butturini

Election Week Support Resources


With the Election coming up this week, the RSPH Office of Admission & Student Services wanted to provide you with resources to assist you in supporting our students. Please see a list of support resources and events occurring this week, as well as ongoing resources, below. 


RSPH Student Support Toolkit for the 2020 Election

Linked here is the RSPH Student Support Toolkit for the 2020 Election. Students can also find this on the RSPH Student Services Canvas Page. This comprehensive guide outlines university and community resources that are available to students seeking support, including:

  • COVID-19 Concerns During Election Day (Including How to Schedule a COVID-19 Test at Emory)
  • Crisis and Emergency Resources
  • Mental Health Therapy Services and Outreach Services
  • International Student Resources and Legal Support
  • DACA / Undocumented Student Resources
  • Legal Support for US Students
  • Activism, Self-Care and Respect for Open Expression
  • Personal Safety Resources for Students


Participating in the Rollins Election Day ON – Health & Safety While Engaging Civically

For those that will be engaging civically during the Rollins Election Day ON (Tuesday, November 3), please continue to practice the following COVID-19 prevention tactics: 

  • Wear a face covering on and off-campus
  • Maintain physical distancing of at least six feet between yourself and others (i.e., do not move classroom furniture)
  • Stay home if you have a fever or are not feeling well
  • Disinfect surfaces before and after usage
  • Utilize Emory University’s COVID-19 testing services

Regular testing is critical in accurately monitoring the spread of this disease. Appointments may be limited, so please plan in advance.


RSPH Post-Election Events

In collaboration with the Rollins Election Day Initiative, the RSPH Office of Admission & Student Services will be hosting the following post-election events:

  • Thursday, November 5th from 12:00-1:00PM EST: Post-Election Reflection with Counseling and Psychological Services for RSPH Students – Join our CAPS Facilitators as they provide a safe space to process thoughts and emotions regarding the election, discuss coping skills and strategies to navigate uncertainty, and walk through a guided meditation. RSPH Students may REGISTER HERE.
  • Friday, November 13th from 12:00-1:00PM EST: “What’s Next in Public Health?” A Panel Discussion for the RSPH Community– Join our Rollins Faculty in discussing the implication of this election cycle, how politics intersects with public health, and how we can continue advocating for and advancing the issues we are passionate about. The RSPH Community may REGISTER HERE


Reminders for Ongoing Support Services Throughout the Semester

24/7 Mental Health Support Available for Students

  • Remember that all students have access to Emory TimelyMD. TimelyMD allows students to access counseling, psychiatry, and general wellness resources. If US and International students need immediate access to a mental health professional, students may use the 24/7 Talk Now feature to get the help and advice that they may need.

Crisis Management and Student Support

  • Linked here is our Pathways of Support Protocol for Crisis Management and Student Support. In the event that there is a student crisis or emergency, please notify your ADAP or Joanne Williams from RSPH Student Services (jampost [at] emory [dot] edu). You may also call Student Case Management and Intervention Services using their 24/7 hotline (404-430-1120), in which a university official will assist Emory students with acute and non-acute distresses.


Updates on Evaluation Kit

Category : News/Events


RSPH is looking forward to utilizing our new course evaluation tool, Evaluation Kit (Ekit), this semester. Remember, course evaluations will open for students from  8:00 am on Friday, November 6th until Sunday, November 22nd at 11:59pm. 

Click here to learn more about Ekit, and check out the “Frequently Asked Questions” section to prepare for upcoming course evaluations and make sure you complete them for all of your Fall 2020 courses!


HPM 564: Health Outcomes, Spring 2021 Course


Patient-centered approaches to the analysis of health and well-being are being increasingly emphasized across a broad spectrum of public health studies and policy applications, including within health services research, behavioral health sciences, and epidemiology. In response, HPM 564 provides a broad, though rigorous, introduction to the field of health outcomes research. 


Please see the flyer below for more details about this course!


Rollins Takes Action Part X, 11/10

Category : News/Events


Join us for the next installment of the Rollins Takes Action Series, which will discuss Research and Practice of Public Health in Rural Communities. This webinar will include a panel with Professors Kelli Komro and Viola Vaccarino, moderated by Professor Micelle Kegler!


Event Details 

  • November 10, 12:00 – 1:00PM
  • Check your Outlook email for the link to register and submit questions in advance!


EPI PhD Information Session, 10/27

Category : News/Events


Interested in pursuing a Phd in Epidemiology at Emory? Please join the Department of Epidemiology on Tuesday, October 27th at 12:00PM to hear from Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Shakira Suglia, about the PhD process here!


How to Join

Check you Outlook Inbox for the Zoom meeting information!


Needs Assessment Coordinator, Texas HHS

Category : Alumni

Job Description

Research Specialist V performs highly advanced (senior-level) research work by overseeing the development, implementation, and monitoring of mixed methods data analysis projects for the Division for Community Health Improvement (CHI). Reports to the Manager of the Surveillance and Data Analytics Group and is a member of the Child and Adolescent Health & Oral Health Epidemiology Team. Serves as program needs assessment and evaluation methodology specialist within the Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology (MCH Epi) Unit, with minimal supervision and extensive latitude for the use of initiative and independent judgment. Work involves overseeing, planning, and conducting needs assessments and evaluation studies, statistical analyses, research studies, and other projects, and interpreting research findings to gauge the effectiveness of CHI programs, projects, and initiatives. Work also involves directing and conducting qualitative data collection efforts including focus groups, key informant interviews, and other qualitative research efforts. Consults with research professionals, including staff both within and external to MCH Epi, to define and solve specific problems and to assure quality control for statistical analyses and research designs. Prepares reports, scientific papers/articles, and presentations for distribution and/or publication, including writing reports for federal and state partners. Performs scientific literature searches and reviews publications, research proposals, legislation, and state and federal policies to inform policy and practice related to CHI and public health. Reviews, analyzes, and evaluates the impact of legislation, regulations, and policies affecting CHI programs. Provides data-related consultation and technical assistance to CHI program areas on needs assessment, health impact, research methods, survey development, and program evaluation/assessment of CHI practices, programs, and issues. Participates in cross-functional training and provides technical advice within MCH Epi and beyond. Represents MCH Epi and CHI on committees, workgroups, and projects to meet research and data analysis needs. Other duties as assigned include but are not limited to actively participating and/or serving in a supporting role to meet the agency’s obligations for disaster response and/or recovery or Continuity of Operations (COOP) activation. Such participation may require an alternate shift pattern assignment and/or location.


Essential Job Functions

  1. Serves as program needs assessment and evaluation methodology specialist within the Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology (MCH Epi) Unit, with minimal supervision and extensive latitude for the use of initiative and independent judgment. Work involves overseeing, planning, and conducting needs assessments and evaluation studies, statistical analyses, research studies, and other projects, and interpreting research findings to gauge the effectiveness of CHI programs, projects, and initiatives. Work also involves directing and conducting qualitative data collection efforts including focus groups, key informant interviews, and other qualitative research efforts. (40%)
  2. Consults with research professionals, including staff both within and external to MCH Epi, to define and solve specific problems and to assure quality control for statistical analyses and research designs. Prepares reports, scientific papers/articles, and presentations for distribution and/or publication, including writing reports for federal and state partners on the topics of child health, adolescent health, and children with special health care needs. (15%)
  3. Performs scientific literature searches and reviews publications, research proposals, legislation, and state and federal policies to inform policy and practice related to CHI and public health. Reviews, analyzes, and evaluates the impact of legislation, regulations, and policies affecting CHI programs. (15%)
  4. Provides data-related consultation and technical assistance to CHI program areas on needs assessment, health impact, research methods, survey development, and program evaluation/assessment of CHI practices, programs, and issues. Participates in cross-functional training and provides technical advice within MCH Epi and beyond. (15%)
  5. Represents MCH Epi and CHI on committees, workgroups, and projects to meet research and data analysis needs. (10%)
  6. Attends work on a regular and predictable schedule in accordance with agency leave policy and performs other duties as assigned. Other duties as assigned include but are not limited to actively participating and/or serving in a supporting role to meet the agency’s obligations for disaster response and/or recovery of Continuity of Operations (COOP) activation. Such participation may require an alternative shift pattern assignment and/or location. (5%)


Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities


  • Knowledge of the array of research planning, needs assessment, and evaluation methods; mixed methods research approaches including quantitative (statistical analysis) and qualitative (including focus groups, interviews, and other methodologies) data collection and analysis; scientific research methods, survey studies, statistical concepts and methods and their application to research analysis, analysis of large datasets; computer software applications, especially SAS or other software used to conduct statistical analyses, Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access), and geographical information systems software (e.g., ArcGIS).


  • Good coordination, communication, and writing skills; development of procedures to monitor and evaluate progress in achieving project objectives, including feedback to policy makers to provide input into the ongoing research process; strong project management skills to organize major project activities into a logical sequence with a reasonable and achievable set of deadlines; ability to facilitate meeting agendas to achieve planned outcomes and to convey planning alternatives or recommendations to a variety of audiences including DSHS staff, the public, and decision makers; strong technical writing skills to clearly and succinctly communicate project/research information for correspondence with state and federal agencies, grant applications and plans, state rules and planning procedures.


  • To work independently; to take initiative and participate actively in meetings, stakeholder groups and committees representing M&CH epi and working well independently as well as part of a team; to gather information from a variety of sources and to synthesize and translate detailed information into simpler terms; to express ideas clearly and concisely orally and in writing; to develop and effectively deliver training and technical assistance about research/data methods, procedures or DSHS policies; to assess the reliability, validity, and appropriateness of proposed data collection methods and designs; to plan, organize, and conduct assigned phases of complex research projects; to interpret complex statistical analysis, charts, and tables; to develop and analyze measuring instruments with respect to reliability, relevance, and validity; to formulate reasonable hypotheses and structure research designs to account for variables; to communicate effectively; to establish and maintain effective working relationships and to work with others as part of a team.


How to Apply 

To read more about the position details and apply online, click here



Epidemiologic Research Analyst, National Cancer Institute

Category : Alumni


Seeking an individual with either a master’s degree in epidemiology (or related field) or comparable experience to work on descriptive epidemiology projects with Dr. Meredith Shiels in the Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch in the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, an intramural component of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH). For further details about Dr. Shiels’ program of research please click here.

Potential research projects include estimating trends in premature death rates over time and by cause and demographic group, excess death rates in provisional death certificate data compared to historical data, trends in cancer rates over time and disparities in both mortality and cancer trends. In addition to cancer, projects will also focus on the impact of the opioid epidemic and COVID-19 on national death rates. The open position will involve a combination of the following: study design, study management (data coding and cleaning, downloading and merging data sets, coordinating data use agreements), data analysis (statistical analysis of epidemiologic data), generation of tables and figures and preparation of reports for presentation or publication.



 Seeking individuals with either a master’s degree in epidemiology, public health, or a related field, or with comparable experience. The position will involve on-the-job training in epidemiologic analyses and is suited for someone with <4 years experience post-MPH/MS. Given the extensive training involved with the position, we are seeking applicants available for at least a two-year minimum commitment.  Experience with statistical software applications used in public health research is a must; please indicate relevant software applications and degrees of competency. Job requires organizational abilities, attention to detail, initiative, and an aptitude for multi-tasking. U.S. citizenship is required.


Division Description 

The Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics is a leading biomedical institution in the fields of cancer epidemiology and has a strong record of excellence in research training and possibilities for professional development. Pay is commensurate with qualifications. This is a contract position, arranged through a government contractor, located at a government agency in Rockville, Maryland.


How to Apply 

Interested candidates should send a CV and a cover letter to Dr. Meredith Shiels at shielsms [at] mail [dot] nih [dot] gov .

Graduate Research Assistant, Emory Prevention Research Center

***REAL or Non-REAL Position***


Position Description

The Emory Prevention Research Center (EPRC) seeks a part-time Graduate Research Assistant (15-20 hours/week). The position includes the opportunity to work on both Communications for the EPRC as well as the BreatheEasy Georgia Homes Program (BreatheEasy). BreatheEasy promotes smoke-free housing by recognizing apartment communities in Georgia that adopt smoke-free policies. GRA tasks include developing infographics to communicate EPRC research in plain language for a broad audience and managing social media for the EPRC and BreatheEasy Program, including developing content, scheduling posts, and evaluating analytics. Other Communications tasks include reviewing and assisting with the EPRC website and quarterly newsletter. The GRA will also assist the BreatheEasy program manager in planning and hosting meetings for stakeholders across the state, developing educational content to promote smoke-free housing, and managing the BreatheEasy Recognition Program and website.



The EPRC conducts research and evaluation on chronic disease prevention and promotes evidence-based cancer prevention and control. The research and activities of the EPRC are planned with the participation and input of our community partners, in the spirit of community-based participatory research. Our cancer projects are funded by NCI and the CDC to promote the use of evidence-based cancer prevention practices. Click here for more information about the EPRC. Information about Healthy Homes Healthy Families 2-1-1 is available here.


Minimum Qualifications

Highly motivated, efficient, organized, detail-oriented and interest or experience working on communications, research, evaluation, or cancer prevention and control. Excellent written and verbal communication skills.


Preferred Qualifications

Prior work experience preferred. Experience with social media campaigns and analytics; Clear Communication or Plain Language practices; graphic design; program coordination; website development; and the ability to write in Spanish. Experience with the following software is preferred: Social media platforms and analytics functions (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Hootsuite); Piktochart; Microsoft Office (esp. PowerPoint and Excel); Constant Contact.  


How to apply 

Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Michigan School of Public Health

Category : Alumni

Position Overview

The EpiBayes research group, led by Dr. Jon Zelner in the Dept. of Epidemiology and Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health (CSEPH) at the University of Michigan School of Public Health seeks a postdoctoral fellow to work with us on several projects relating to the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza and estimates/projections of vaccine efficacy for both of these pathogens. Drs. Emily Martin and Arnold Monto, co-directors of the Michigan Influenza Center will serve as secondary advisors for this position along with additional collaboration from investigators in the Michigan Influenza Center and University of Michigan School of Medicine. The person holding this position will be responsible for the analysis and integration of data from a unique combination of data sources including community-based household cohort studies, clinical studies in outpatient and hospital settings, and state-wide public health surveillance of influenza and SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology.


About the Research Group 

We are a multidisciplinary, highly-collaborative group, with close connections to other research groups performing primary data collection at the University of Michigan and other institutions. We are broadly interested in understanding and addressing the key sources of spatial and sociodemographic variation in infectious disease infection and transmission risks. Our work covers a wide array of pathogens including respiratory viruses (COVID-19, influenza, RSV), bacterial infections (tuberculosis, Meningitis B, MRSA) and pathogens causing diarrheal disease (noroviruses, E. Coli, all-cause diarrhea). The overarching theme uniting these projects is a focus on the use of cutting-edge statistical and simulation methods to understand and positively impact socioeconomic disparities in global and domestic infection risk.



The ideal candidate for this position will have significant experience in statistical modeling of infectious disease transmission using detailed individual level data. Candidates must hold a PhD, but field of study is flexible (e.g. epidemiology, statistics, ecology, social science) with suitability assessed primarily as a function of skills and experience.


Additional Details

This position can be filled immediately, but the start date is flexible. The initial term of this position will be for two years, with the possibility of extension. This position will be all-remote until June 2021, with location thereafter to be determined in collaboration with the candidate and as a function of public health conditions. Interested candidates should send a brief inquiry and CV to Jon Zelner at jzelner [at] umich [dot] edu.

Outstanding APE Award Abstract Submission, RSPH


The Office of Career Development is pleased to host our 15th annual Outstanding APE Award recognizing RSPH students who best demonstrate excellence in practice-based public health practicums with goals to improve the quality of health for people & communities, to deliver quality public health services, or to develop policies that improve public health infrastructure. Finalists will be notified by mid-December and winners announced at the Public Health in Action Celebration (PHIA) Spring 2021.



  • RSPH students who have completed/are completing a public health APE between May 2020 and November 2020


How to Apply

  • Submit an abstract about your APE experience, following the requirements listed below, here 
  • Abstract submissions are due on Friday, October 30th at 5:00PM
  • See the flyer below for more details about the Outstanding APE Award!


Upcoming Events

  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 13, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.

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