Category Archives: Student Opportunities

Student Assistant, Health Services Research Center

Opportunity Description

A team at the Health Services Research centering is currently leading a literature review that will inform a future grant submission, and looking for a student to help. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to assess the effect of electronic clinical decision support tools on increasing adherence to guidelines for evidence-based medicine compared with routine care without electronic clinical decision support tools. Their team has a good track record of publications on systematic reviews, and has identified the search strategy and identified ~200 articles ready for abstraction. They are now seeking a student to get involved in helping with this data abstraction. The student will learn about methods to perform systematic reviews and meta-analysis of clinical trials. The student will also earn co-authorship (2nd author) for this exciting paper.


Contact Information

Please contact Ram Jagannathan at ram [dot] jagannathan [at] emory [dot] edu if you are interested and can commit at least 7 hours per week to this project in the next 2 months. The position starts in September. So, if you can commit time to help out, they would love to have you join the team!

Graduate Research Assistant, Emory-Einstein TB/HIV Research Group

Position Description 

We are seeking 3-4 graduate level students for the Fall-Spring semester 2020-2021. The positions focus on infectious diseases including COVID-19, drug resistant tuberculosis, latent tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS; and Global Health research projects.

Specific student responsibilities include:

  • Assist with research project management
  • Transcribe Lab results accurately on case report forms (CRFs)
  • Conduct quality checks (QC) of data that is transcribed on CRFs
  • Enter study data in the REDCap database
  • Create data reports and resolve data entry queries
  • Review data compare and logic check reports to resolve data discrepancies
  • Assist in the development of primary data analyses using SAS
  • Develop CRFs and CRF instructions sheets
  • Create study participant binders and electronic archives of CRFs
  • Create and update study related standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Prepare project related team meeting agendas and actively participate in meetings
  • Prepare and present progress reports and data analyses in team meetings
  • Participate in COVID-19 contact tracing and case investigation activities
  • Assist with research project human resources and finance related activities
  • Complete additional duties as assigned by the Project Coordinator and Director Research Program
  • The candidate must be a team player who is enthusiastic, meticulous, well-organized with excellent interpersonal skills.


Emory-Einstein TB/HIV Research Group Profile

The Emory-Einstein TB/HIV research group housed within the Departments of Epidemiology and Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University has a top notch TB, HIV and Global Health academic research and training program that is recognized both nationally and internationally. Our research projects are in close collaboration with leading stakeholders including Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Atlanta, Albert Einstein College of Medicine – New York, Public Health Research Institute (PHRI) – New Jersey, Johns Hopkins University – Baltimore, Columbia University – New York, University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) – South Africa, Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA) – South Africa, Amauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI) – Ethiopia, DeKalb County Board of Health – Atlanta, and Fulton County Board of Health – Atlanta.


Additional Information

  • Position timeline: Fall 2020 – Spring 2021
  • This position is also posted on the Emory Handshake website:
    • REAL 2020-2021 position (posting ID #3928759 and #3928755)
    • Non-REAL 2020-2021 position (posting ID #3928747)


How to Apply

Interested applicants should send a cover letter and updated resume to Dr. Salim Allana, Director Research Program (Email: salim [dot] allana [at] emory [dot] edu) no later than September 10, 2020.


Applied EPI Healthy Weight Promotion Training Program, University of Minnesota

Opportunity Description 

The Healthy Weight Promotion (HWP) Applied Epidemiology Training Program provides training for the next generation of researchers dedicated to ensuring positive weight-related health among young people and families from diverse communities. The program addresses a broad spectrum of eating, activity, and weight-related problems, including obesity, poor dietary intake, inadequate physical activity, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating/eating disorders. Dr. Dianne Neumark-Sztainer is the Program Director of this NIH-funded program, which is supported by a Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, Institutional Research Training Grant. Click here to see a flyer with more details about the program. 

Current Openings 

There are currently openings for one-year and multi-year fellowships at the pre- doctoral and post-doctoral levels. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until all of the openings are filled. See below for details about the fellowship and application process.


Predoctoral candidates must be accepted to the University of Minnesota Social and Behavioral Epidemiology PhD program prior to starting the fellowship. Postdoctoral candidates must have earned a doctoral degree (e.g., PhD, DrPH, ScD, MD). All candidates must be U.S. citizens or have permanent residency status. Candidates who identify as Black, Indigenous, or persons of color and individuals who are first generation college/university students are particularly encouraged to apply.

Preferred qualifications include an outstanding academic record (e.g., GPA, previous training, research productivity), strong alignment of career interests with the goals of the HWP Epidemiology Training Program, experience in working with diverse communities, positive recommendations from previous mentors and/or professional colleagues, evidence of commitment to and likely success in conducting research of relevance to the training program, ability to recognize important research problems and a demonstrated capacity to seek solutions, strong interpersonal skills, intellectual integrity and curiosity, and a passion for addressing health inequities.

How to Apply 

  • Interested individuals will need to submit a completed application, curriculum vitae, transcripts, and a sample publication or other evidence of writing skills. Applicants should also request letters of recommendation from two references.
  • For more information on the training program and how to apply, click here to see the website with more information 
  • Questions about the application process may be sent by email to hwpT32 [at] umn [dot] edu  


CGHE Data Analysis Intern, Task Force for Global Health

Role Description

CGHE is looking for an intern to support data analysis for launch of updated online data dashboards and completion of a peer-reviewed manuscript.

*Remote Eligible


Program Background

Hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus cause 1.3 million deaths per year and over two million new infections occur annually. Because hepatitis B vaccination, curative therapy for hepatitis C and other interventions can effectively prevent viral hepatitis transmission and mortality, the 2016 World Health Assembly endorsed elimination goals for hepatitis elimination to prevent 7 million deaths by 2030. However, to eliminate hepatitis, access to effective interventions must improve. In 2019, to help countries build effective programs and accelerate progress toward hepatitis elimination, The Task Force for Global Health launched the Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination (CGHE). CGHE builds capacity for hepatitis elimination globally through delivery of technical assistance, knowledge generation and dissemination, and advocacy among partners united in a community of practice. 


Duties and Responsibilities

Under the supervision of the Director of CGHE, Dr. John Ward, and the Assistant Director of CGHE Ms. Lindsey Hiebert, the intern will:

  • Analyze hepatitis B and C epidemiological and program data, including from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation
  • Assist in management of country data dashboards—extract data from peer-reviewed literature and online databases and import this website
  • Contribute to the design and implementation of systematic reviews
  • Develop evidence summaries, toolkits, and other resources for elimination programs, i.e. national plan template
  • Assist in implementation of technical assistance projects on hepatitis testing with Ministries of Health and community-based organizations
  • Conduct data collection and analysis for operational research projects on hepatitis prevention, testing, and treatment
  • Write blog posts, scientific manuscripts, or reports, as appropriate, to summarize outcomes and findings from activities


How to Apply 

Click here to learn more about this position and apply on Handshake!


Data Assistant REAL Position, The Carter Center

Position Description

Student will support the program with a wide range of projects related to program data management and research project development and implementation. Student will assist the data manager in building the new Azure data system and with other short-term assignments, including data cleaning and data visualizations (graphs, maps, and database schemata) for presentations and peer-reviewed publications. Other tasks, such as assisting in the preparation of the annual Program Review, country-specific research, and documents for publication, may also be assigned by the larger Trachoma team. Skills and time permitting, long-term programmatic projects could be assigned.

The student will report to the Program’s Associate Directors, Data Manager, and Epidemiologist for project guidance. The Program Associate will administratively supervise the students.


Duties and Responsibilities 

Analytical/Assessment Skills

  • Assist with establishing and maintaining coded processes in a Git repository for archiving and analyzing data from program studies and impact surveys.
  • Comprehend design of studies and surveys as a conceptual basis for resulting database structures. Team currently uses SQL Server (Azure) and SOQL (Salesforce).
  • Create data visuals using a combination of ArcGIS online/Pro and R, for publications and presentations.
  • Assist in maintaining and developing an in-house Shiny app used by program staff to interact with M&E data.
  • Develop dashboards in Salesforce for data related to a clinical trial.

Policy Development/Program Planning Skills

  • Review study protocols and subsequently test/advise on the corresponding data collection and management systems.
  • Assist with documenting and updating standard operating procedures for managing and analyzing program data.
  • Assist with refining data management approaches including, but not limited to, database structure, Git repository management or other standard operating procedures for informatics and analytics.
  • Support the program with preparations for the annual Trachoma Program Review.

Communication Skills

  • Respect, understanding, and cultural sensitivity when corresponding with team members from a multi-national program.
  • Concision and coherence if/when describing complex database concepts in correspondences with team members that are unfamiliar with these concepts.
  • Respond to data needs of trachoma control program staff including, but not limited to, building datasets and supporting production of manuscripts for submission to peer-reviewed journals.

Minimum Qualifications: 

  • Currently pursuing a Master of Public Health.
  • Knowledge of statistical analysis and use of statistical analysis software. 
  • Familiarity with mHealth applications (Open Data Kit particularly).
  • Previous experience or planned coursework involving mapping software such as ArcGIS.
  • Previous experience or planned coursework involving Stata, R, or SAS.

Preferred Qualifications: 

  • Experience in resource poor international settings or with global health projects. 
  • Previous experience or displayed interest in informatics for public health applications.
  • Familiarity with SQL, SOQL, Git/GitHub, Python. 

How to Apply

  • *Position is time sensitive, recruiting is occurring during the week of 8/16 – 8/22, apply as soon as possible if interested 
  • Click here to read more about this position and apply via Handshake
  • Note: the position is remote eligible

Cancer Research UK Funded DPhil Studentships, University of Oxford


**Application Deadline is Friday August 21st**


Opportunity Description

Applications are invited for two Cancer Research UK funded DPhil Studentships to work within the Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group (EBCTCG) Secretariat at the University of Oxford’s Nuffield Department of Population Health. These posts provide an opportunity for those with a good degree in a mathematical/science subject or medicine to develop their research skills within one of the world’s leading medical research units. We would welcome applications from people with an interest in the design and analysis of clinical trials and the application of statistics to improving treatment of breast cancer and other diseases.

The two proposed topics are:

1) A comparison of individual patient data (IPD) over meta-analyses of published data: implications for clinical trial design and the utility of different endpoints for early breast cancer trials

  • Project Description: More reliable than the results of a single randomised trial is the synthesis of all available randomised evidence in a pooled meta-analysis. These can either use the results as published (published data meta-analysis) or collect individual patient data (IPD) from all trials in a collaborative meta-analysis, such as those undertaken by the EBCTCG. This project will look at the relative advantages of the two approaches, using the EBCTCG database of over 650,000 women in randomised trials of breast cancer treatment. Different approaches to combining data will be explored, as will the most relevant endpoints for these analyses, in particular the potential hazards of using composite endpoints, such as disease free survival, which combine a number of different and competing outcomes. To read more about scholarships in this project area and the desired qualifications, click here. 
  • Contact Information: For informal discussions regarding this project, please contact either Robert Hills (Robert [dot] Hills [at] ndph [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk) or Richard Gray (Richard [dot] Gray [at] ndph [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk )

2) Predictive and prognostic factors in early breast cancer and long-term side-effects of therapy

  • Project Description: Breast cancer has a long natural history with a substantial risk of recurrence continuing for at least 20 years after diagnosis. Chemotherapy and, in oestrogen-receptor-positive early breast cancer, long-term endocrine therapy substantially reduce breast cancer recurrence and mortality but can cause potentially life-threatening side-effects. Using the EBCTCG database of patients in randomised trials and other large-scale database, this project will investigate how patient and tumour characteristics impact on the risks and benefits of various therapies for early breast cancer. Because different databases, and different trials collect data differently, the project will explore the validity of possible methods of data analysis, so that information generated is relevant and applicable to women with breast cancer and their clinical teams. To read more about scholarships in this project area and the desired qualifications, click here
  • Contact Information: For informal discussions regarding this project, please contact either Robert Hills (Robert [dot] Hills [at] ndph [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk) or Hongchao Pan (Hongchao [dot] Pan [at] ndph [dot] ox [dot] ac [dot] uk



Since 1985, EBCTCG has conducted large-scale individual patient level meta-analyses of local and systemic treatments for early breast cancer. The findings, published in high profile journals, have been cited in over 25,000 other publications, and provide the evidence base for most international breast cancer treatment guidelines.

EBCTCG sits within the Nuffield Department of Population Health (NDPH) which brings together over 500 staff from world leading research groups, with around 100 students on taught Master’s and Doctoral programmes. NDPH conducts large-scale epidemiological studies and clinical trials in China, Mexico, India, Russia, in addition to the UK and other developed countries. These studies provide reliable evidence on the burden, determinants and best treatments of the major causes of premature death and disability. The research has a global span and impact, with collaborations from more than 50 countries, and students and researchers work on several of the world’s largest and most detailed observational epidemiological studies such as UK Biobank, China Kadoorie Biobank and the Million Women Study and collaborative meta-analyses.

The NDPH’s research programmes provide training in all aspects of population health research, from statistics and epidemiology to health economics, health services research, health policy and promotion, and ethics.

Our student-led Research Student Group arranges a wide range of activities outside the day-to-day research work our students undertake, from social events to seminars and journal clubs. Our students are also invited to a wide range of Departmental events and groups, including our Early Career Researchers Network.

We offer students generous allowances for expenses such as attendance at relevant conferences, training courses, and fieldwork.


Application Information


National Cancer Database APE Opportunities, Winship Cancer Institute

Opportunity Description

The Winship Research Informatics shared resource (WRI) at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University is looking for second year MPH/ EMPH students who are interested in (Applied Practice Experience, APE) opportunities with National Cancer Database (NCDB) research projects.

The nationally recognized National Cancer Database (NCDB)—jointly sponsored by the American College of Surgeons and the American Cancer Society—is a clinical oncology database sourced from hospital registry data that are collected in more than 1,500 Commission on Cancer (CoC)-accredited facilities. NCDB data are used to analyze and track patients with malignant neoplastic diseases, their treatments, and outcomes. Data represent more than 70 percent of newly diagnosed cancer cases nationwide and more than 34 million historical records. 

Projects Description

The projects provides valuable opportunities (which could also be counted towards the APE) for MPH/ EMPH students to gain practical experiences with getting familiarized with national cancer registry data, communications on research designs and analytic findings, statistical analyses, and understandings of research cycle of public health analyses. The research questions were proposed by clinicians from Winship Cancer Institute, aiming at evaluating the treatment outcomes of the latest cancer management strategy, consolidating effectiveness of treatments from previous case series reports, exploring incidence and epidemiology of rare cancers, etc.

The projects are intended for abstract presentations such as American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) and journal submissions, so there are also plenty of authorship opportunities for conference abstracts and manuscripts for academic journals. According to the feedbacks from the students graduated in the past years, analytic experiences and authorships gained from participating in the projects, have added significant advantages in their job seeking and further academic developments. The operations of the projects are remote friendly, and have fully evolved into remote mode as responding measure to the pandemic of COVID-19.


Second year MPH/ EMPH students with good oral and written communication skills, some experience with cancer data analysis, solid understanding of statistical tests and models (Chi-squre, ANOVA, log-rank test, logistic regressions, Cox-proportional hazard models, time dependent Cox models, etc.), some experience with SAS macros, formats and ODS are also required.

How to Apply

Please send resume to Renjian Jiang, MD, MPH, MS (rjiang7 [at] emory [dot] edu) if interested.

Master’s in Development Practice Courses, Fall Course Offerings

Fall MDP Course Opportunities 

Graduate and advanced undergraduate students are welcome to request enrollment in the courses below. To do so, please email rebeca [dot] quintana [at] emory [dot] edu, with Topics Enrollment Request as the subject line. Include the class number and your student ID in the body of the email. Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. In the event of full enrollment, a waitlist will be maintained through Wednesday, August 26. 

Available MDP Courses 

MDP 514R: Applied Development – Elements of Advocacy

Cultural, political, and social change require an understanding of the various components that comprise effective advocacy. In addition to exploring the elements of persuasive advocacy, the course will equip students with the skills to analyze audiences, construct compelling arguments, and effectively present their ideas.

  • Instructor: Ed Lee III (ewlee [at] emory [dot] edu)
  • Class number: 6264
  • Number of credits: Two
  • Grading basis: Graded
  • Meeting dates: August 25th – November 24th
  • Meeting Time: Tuesday 5:30pm – 7:30pm
  • Meeting option: Online synchronous


MDP 514R: Applied Development – Land and Race: Rethinking development in the USA

This course shifts the focus of development studies from overseas to the United States. We will draw on historical and contemporary cases to explore how domestic policies, institutional practices, and dominant ideologies have blocked development of marginalized communities within the United States. Additionally, we will examine how some communities have used radical reimaginings of racial identities and land-based strategies to resist and create new models of development.

  • Instructor: Tamara Jones, MA (tjones300302 [at] gmail [dot] com)
  • Class number: 6311
  • Number of credits: One
  • Grading basis: Graded
  • Meeting dates: August 19th – September 30th
  • Meeting time: Wednesday 9:00am – 11:00am
  • Meeting option: Online synchronous


MDP 585R: Special Topics – Decolonizing Development

Is it possible to engage in equitable and ethical development, when the structure of foreign aid is built upon foundations of the colonial state? What does a decolonized development sector actually do? Analyzing case studies, readings, and current events, this course leans into these questions.

  • Instructor: Lorrie Lynn King, MPH, RYT (king [dot] lorriel [at] gmail [dot] com)
  • Class number: 6312
  • Number of credits: One
  • Grading basis: letter or S/U grade
  • Meeting dates: October 7th – November 18th
  • Meeting time: Wednesday 9:00am – 11:00am
  • Meeting option: Online synchronous

International Graduate Students & Scholars Mentor Program, Emory

Opportunity Description

The International Graduate Students and Scholars (IGSS) group, is a student-led organization that strives to support international students across Emory and bring all students together to participate and learn about diverse cultures across the world.

IGSS will be hosting an international graduate student mentor/mentee program to help the incoming international students have a smooth and enjoyable transition. 

If you are a second year student interested in becoming a mentor for this program, please click here and fill out the linked form. 

Undergrad Sociology TA Position, Department of Sociology


The Emory College Department of Sociology has an opening for an MPH student to serve as a TA for a Fall 2020 undergraduate class (Introduction to Sociology).  TAs are expected to work 10-12 hours per week (more some weeks, less in others).  A TA is needed for SOC 101 – Introduction to Sociology. The course meets synchronously online Tues 2:40-3:55PM and there is a second asynchronous session per week.  The instructor is Tony Healy.

Position Details

  • Duties may include attending class; grading of exams and/or papers; proctoring exams; assisting with classroom activities; leading in-class discussion groups; assisting with administrative activities.
  • The pay is $1500 per course, a one-time payment.  If the enrollment reaches 60 (very likely) the pay is increased to $1800.  Course texts are provided.

How to Apply

If you are interested (or might be in a future semester), and to learn more, please contact Ellen Idler, DGS Sociology: eidler [at] emory [dot] edu

Upcoming Events

  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 13, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 20, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.
  • Humphrey NoonTime Seminar Series March 27, 2025 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Seminar Series;… Online Location: Type: Seminar SeriesSeries: Humphrey NoonTime Seminar SeriesSpeaker: Humphrey FellowsContact Name: Deirdre RussellContact Email: dwruss2@emory.eduRoom Location: RRR_R809Link: Humphrey Fellowship, a Fulbright Exchange Program proudly present a series of presentations from around the world.Participants may join via zoom or in person Pizza will be provided.

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