Bernardo Andrade


Email  |  Website


Ph.D., Philosophy, Emory University, 2024
.            Dissertation: Levinas’s Diachronic Thought
.            Director: Andrew J. Mitchell
M.A., Philosophy, Emory University, 2021
B.A., Philosophy, Middlebury College, 2018
.            (summa cum laude with highest honors)

Visiting Fellow, Tilburg University, Feb-May 2022
Visiting Student, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Feb-Jun 2014


20th-Century Continental Philosophy, Ethics, Ancient Philosophy


Levinas on Separation: Metaphysical, Semantic, Affective
.            Epoché 28, no. 2 (2024): 429-452.
Peirce’s Imaginative Community
.            Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 58, no. 1 (2022):1-21
.            *Winner of the Peirce Essay Prize
Freedom and Praxis in Plotinus’s Ennead 6.8.1-6
.            Archai 30 (2020): e03031.
Teleology and Nous in Plotinus’s Ennead 6.7
.            Kriterion 61, no. 147 (2020): 609-632.


“The Memory of the Immemorial”
.          Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy
.          Rochester Institute of Technology (Rochester, NY), Sept. 2024.

“Two Senses of Deformalization in Levinas”
.          Société Internationale de Recherche Emmanuel Levinas
.          Emmanuel Levinas Center (Kaunas, Lithuania), July 2024.

Levinas, Descartes, and Temporal Solipsism
.          Centro Brasileiro de Estudos Levinasianos
.          Jornadas Levinasianas (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), June 2024.

“Levinas on Semantic Separation”
.          Société Internationale de Recherche Emmanuel Levinas
.          Emmanuel Levinas Center (Kaunas, Lithuania), July 2023.

“The Homelessness of Eros: Levinas with Plato”
.          Ancient Philosophy Society
.          Gonzaga University (Spokane, WA), April 2023.

“The Alibi of Metaphysics”
.          Metaphysical Society of America
.          Emory University (Atlanta, GA), March 2023.
“Ethics as the Mediation of Ontology”
.            Summer Conference in Continental Ethics: Levinas
.            Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), June 2022.
“Levinas, Plato, and the Metaphysics of Separation”
.            Metaphysical Society of America
.            Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI), March 2022.

“Peirce’s Imaginative Community”
.            APA Eastern Division
.            C.S. Peirce Society Session (Baltimore, MD), January 2022.
“Human Reciprocity and Divine Asymmetry”
.            North American Levinas Society
.            St. Michael’s College (Colchester, VT), July 2021.
“Levinas’s Wounded Speech”
.            North American Levinas Society
.            Drake University (Des Moines, IA), July 2019.
“Divine Polyvalence: God and Metaphor in Levinas and Eriugena”
.            Mystical Theology Network
.            Boston College (Chestnut Hill, MA), March 2019.
“The Epiphany of the Face: Levinas on the Ethico-Religious Attitude”
.            Graduate Student Conference in Philosophy
.            San Diego State University (San Diego, CA), October 2015.


  • Dean’s Teaching Fellowship, Emory University, 2023-2024
  • Visiting Fellowship for Junior Scholars, Tilburg University, 2022
  • Laney Graduate School Fellowship, Emory University, 2018-2023
  • Kellogg Fellowship in the Humanities, Middlebury College, 2017


  • Charles S. Peirce Society Essay Prize for original contribution on Peirce’s normative thought, 2021
  • John T. Andrews Memorial Prize for outstanding achievement in Philosophy, Middlebury College, 2018
  • Alexandra T. and Robert L. Baker Award for excellence in Russian Language and Literature, Middlebury College, 2018
  • Theodore S. Woolsey Prize for outstanding work in the study of sacred texts, Middlebury College, 2018
  • Phi Beta Kappa, early induction, Middlebury College, 2017
  • The Slavic National Honors Society, Middlebury College, 2017
  • College Scholar, Middlebury College, 2014-2018


As Instructor of Record (Emory University)
Metaphysics: Time and Temporality, Spring 2024
.            Basic Problems: Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Spring 2023
.            Existentialism & European Philosophy, Fall 2022
.            Introduction to Ethics: The History of Responsibility, Fall 2020
As Teaching Assistant (Emory University)
19th and 20th-Century Philosophy (co-teacher), Spring 2020
Ancient Greek and Medieval Philosophy, Fall 2019

As Peer-Tutor in Philosophy (Middlebury College)
.            Introduction to the Philosophical Tradition, Spring 2018
.            Introduction to the Philosophical Tradition, Spring 2017
.            The Philosophy of Human Rights, Fall 2016


Graduate Student Representative, 2022-2023


Portuguese, English, Russian, French, Spanish, Latin