Dukes Creek Falls is a 150-foot waterfall located at the confluence of Davis Creek and Dukes Creek in the Northeast corner of Georgia, just west of the city Helen. At this point where the creeks converge, Davis actually falls directly into Dukes, creating the Dukes Creek Falls. Duke’s Creek averages around 25 feet wide, and in addition to the larger falls includes a number of other cascades and small falls, all with very swift moving water. The area has a significant amount of exposed bedrock, reminiscent of a typical fast-moving mountain stream. The land around the creek starts out flat and begins to plunge into a gorge near the falls.
Duke’s Creek Falls is located in a historically notable area because it is rumored to be the first place that the Gold Rush in Georgia began. Additionally, the area also contains evidence of historical logging activity and some home sites, according to the U.S. Forest Service. Helen, a state and region-wide tourist attraction draws a number of visitors into this site, and the falls have recently become a very popular spot amongst hikers and walkers, with a number of boardwalks and viewing platforms that now make the waterfall area very accessible.
US Forest Service. (n.d). Appendix D: Wild And Scenic Rivers. Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests. Web. Retrieved 15 November 2021 from https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fsm9_028728.pdf
Georgia State Parks. (n.d.) Smithgall Woods State Park. Web. Retrieved 15 Nov. 2021 from https://gastateparks.org/sites/default/files/parks/pdf/trailmaps/SmithgallWoods_TrailMap.pdf