David O Jenkins

I teach courses focused on social analysis, immigration policy, community and international development at Candler School of Theology. I grew up in the Mesilla Valley near the Mexico-U.S. border, so I love the smell of roasting chiles and the desert after a rain. My favorite courses to teach are travel seminars during which we stay with local residents. And I retire in 2018!!!

Most commented posts

  1. Learning Centered Strategies – for older professional students — 9 comments
  2. Embodiment and virtual relationships — 8 comments
  3. Carol Dweck’s emphasis on growth and direct observation — 4 comments
  4. OER for Dmin community analysis class — 4 comments
  5. M8 UDL response — 4 comments

Author's posts

M8 Checklist

Colleagues, It’s been a pleasure learning from you (and Leah) this summer. Thank you. I’d like to offer one more resource. Below is a link to a checklist that I will use to be sure my online course is as accessible as possible:  http://webaim.org/standards/508/checklist I’ve also contacted Emory’s ODS to ask those wise folks what …

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M8 UDL response

I was a bit surprised when none of the three UDL articles employed the techniques they recommended.  David Rose and Jenna Gravel’s first suggestion was use multiple means of representation, followed soon thereafter by use different sensory modalities. However, a student with a visual disability would not have access to their article because the authors …

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OER for Dmin community analysis class

In the past I’ve relied on our Pitts Theology Library staff to help me wade through copyright laws, Emory policies, Bb opportunities and constraints. This module has been helpful so I can be better informed and also equipped to search on my own for OER. I was grateful for the reference to Open Washington where …

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Learning Centered Strategies – for older professional students

Learning Centered Assessment   Becoming a reflective practitioner is a course objective and learning goal for the DMin class that immediately precedes mine. I hope to build on it in my course, so I state one of my course goals as simply to “enhance students’ self-awareness as reflective practitioners.”  This will involve a series of …

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L. Dee Fink, Creating Significant Learning Experiences, and what’s also going on in the lives of our students

Assessment and integration…. In  Creating Significant Learning Experiences (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass), L. Dee Fink focuses on  integration in course design and assessment. He’s on board with the triangles we see appearing in the work of our assigned authors linking  (1) learning goals to (2) teaching/learning activities to (3) feedback and assessment, however he contributes a …

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Carol Dweck’s emphasis on growth and direct observation

Carol Dweck “How Not to Talk to Your Children: The Inverse Power of Praise”  New York Magazine. February 19. 2007 http://nymag.com/news/features/27840/   “Emphasizing effort gives a child a variable that they can control. They come to see themselves as in control of their success. Emphasizing natural intelligence takes it out of the child’s control, and …

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Embodiment and virtual relationships

1. The particular class I have been asked to teach on-line is a new DMin program in which our students will not be in residence here at Emory. They are practitioners who are working full-time while enrolled in this degree program. The on-line format enabled them to continue their education, so it feels like a …

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