Tag: Ann

OERs: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I posted in diigo (inadvertently jumping the gun) about how much I really liked MERLOT. I’ve used this site for years but never really, truly understood the significance and value of this resource until we started examining and discussing this kind of content in M8. I think it’s still my most favorite, and I find …

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Self-Evaluated, Self-Directed and Heutagogical Learning – NIMC (Not In My Classroom!)

The prompt asks us to describe our initial thoughts on designing an entire course or a single assignment, and my very first reaction is included in the subject line. Having said that, I think I need to clarify – I’m thinking mostly about the undergraduate prerequisite science courses that I’ll be responsible for in the …

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My motivation is accessibility, but my fears are many

I am motivated to teach “in the online classroom,”  as Leah describes it, by several factors, some external and some internal.  Several have mentioned in their posts their desire to keep up-to-date, to be able to use some of these resources/ module formats in their face-to-face courses, and to be able to reach a wider …

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