Category: Erin

OERs, Open Access, Open Sesame

I had heard about OERs before this module. I learned of Creative Commons (CC) several years ago and have been using CC images and videos in my online research guides (example) — though not using the proper attribution, I’ve learned. In addition, I sit in close proximity to the Scholarly Communications Office folks here in …

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Assessment in 5 easy steps

No I don’t really know how to do assessment in 5 easy steps. Just trying to think of an enticing headline. Sorry to disappoint. But now that I have your attention…. As an English instructor teaching composition, I would give very elaborate feedback on each writing assignment. Then I was always surprised when I met …

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Motivation for teaching online (or how to stop worrying and learn to love the bomb)

Two things motivate me to want to teach in the online classroom. One is that so much instruction is moving online and I need to be part of that to stay relevant. While I am not sure I will ever have a credit course to teach online, I still want to know HOW to teach …

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